As we enter Level 3 Lock down in Kaohsiung, most of my Activities or Service Events has been canceled. On the 19th of May I played Table Tennises Mainly to practice my own basic drills but most importantly is to have a balance schedule over this boring lock down period. At the same time taking breaks from all the digital learning and releases some stress. During my light practice section, I set a goal of having 150 hits without stopping to warm up my wrest which is rather important after sitting at my desk studying for a period of time.
I took me around 30 minutes to complete that goal with multiple failures during drills, and after this practice; it would not only help me improve my ball controlling technique but also take a break from all of the assignments going on. With loads of pressure from all the subjects and the unhealthy studying environment (My room), I really need a break like this to avoid diving back to my bed.