I, Wilson Chen, don’t have much interest other than drawing and playing video games which I get bored sometimes. I clean my room when I feel like it and I make my dinner sometimes when my parents are out. I was part of the HS TISSA Soccer team of year 19 ~ 20, which I would continue any work with soccer. I had my first piano and Violin lesson when I was in Kindergarten, which I had all start when I transfer to KAS in grade 5. One of the recent music activity I had his guitar lesson throughout grade 9 and it was for the pure needs of HS music class, since then till today I haven’t had a single music lesson not just because there is no class requirement, but for the sake of wasting my time. CAS stands for Creativity, Activity, and Service. From my perspective, I think I am a balanced and open-minded student because I do my homework accordingly to my schedule and plan out my activities before the week. I think being balanced is important when my IB program start since having good time management skill is a key to success to everything. One learner profile that I don’t have is Risk-taker, I am a coward who would like to see the result before even try, sometimes it makes me feel better just by watching others perform or talk about their goals, maybe thats why I hate responsibility. What I want to learn from this 2-year long program is Communicators (or the ability to communicate with others), talking is the most important way to communicate and if I don’t of the guts of talking with anyone just by thinking about the result I will receive is not okay. I need to understand the fact of loss and gain which is one important concept that I believe will help me in the future. Some goals I want to make for this program are do something new like start playing basketball, at least try, is popular for a reason. Or maybe walk out of my comfort zone.


Wilson Chen – 9/6/2020