

El ejercicio es importante para su salud, El ejercicio puede ayudarlo a concentrar más y entrenar para tener más energía, es muy importante que eliges un deporte que disfrutas porque puede disfrutar y hacerlo más fuerte. Jugar deportes con tus amigos puede ayudar con relaciones saludable con tu amigos y mantenerse saludable al mismo tiempo. Hay muchos tipos de ejercicios, sobre todo deportes, pero hay corriendo, caminado, yoga, etc. Hay otros ejercicios que ayudan a sus órganos a trabajar mejor. Después de hacer ejercicio, es importante comer saludable tambien! A veces fuimos al mercado a comprar pescado, carne, fruta, tiene muchos nutrientes.

3 Systems of Sports Explained


Transfer Infer

“If I’d had a gun, I would’ve shot him” (Gregory, 1998). The most memorable transfer quotes in football history, like it or hate it. Transferring star players can be heartbreaking, but is it love or hate former teammates show? Some fans show great respect in players transferring, but some call players a “money grabber” or a “snake” for acknowledging the player transfer in reason of the money paid. Neymar Jr., a Brazilian football player was signed by the French football club Paris Saint-Germain with the doubled world record fee, €222! Many said that Neymar was attracted by money, and himself gave clear explanations, going further without Lionel Messi being the boss.


“The €222 Transfer”

Neymar in PSG by Antonie Dellenbach via Flickr / CC BY-SA 2.0

LeBron James, a former NBA Cleveland Cavaliers team transferred to the Los Angeles Lakers in 2018 after the defeat in the championship game. In 2010 Cavaliers fans burn his jersey to show hate, to him transferring to Heat. LeBron won titles back in Cleveland, numerous of them, after the unveiling of transfer to Lakers, people start burning LeBron’s jerseys again. This time, it was a symbol of respect for his decision, a “let him go” symbolism.

“King James”

Lebron by Rated R Superstar! via Flickr / CC BY-SA 2.0

The Winning Bid

Perseverance, effort despite difficulty or challenge that stand upon players. Adversity, when the team strikes rock-bottom, and have no idea how to make a return. Triumph, winning an award in the achievement of yourself as one, or for the whole team. Defeat, here’s the thing, “If you can accept losing, you can’t win” (Lombardi). TAKE it home, don’t bring it, I’m not trying to motivate you, encourage you, I’m telling you to DO it. Take what you did, take what you earn, take your defeat “by the way.” You bid, you take, you bid for the winning, you put full effort into the game. Take anything after that, victory? defeat? it doesn’t matter anymore, the matter is, do you take it or not? Everything or nothing? take the nothing because it is something, take it so you don’t take “nothing” again next time.

“Decision Making”

Contract by Dan Macy via Flickr / CC BY-SA 2.0

It is one thing to score, and another to win, players decide for themselves to score themselves or pass the ball to let their teammates score, it’s the step to take pride in one’s own dignity or the step to prejudice the team to lose of the goal that could be scored on easily with your teammate. “It doesn’t matter who scores the ball because we are on the same team” (Messi).

Co-ownership Ends

Co-ownership is a system that two clubs each purchase 50% of the rights of a player’s contract they are bidding for, and by the end of the year, the auction of the highest bid wins. In May 2014, the Italian Football Federation (FIGC) brought back Serie A in line with the other European leagues and ended co-ownership, “The transfer system fails 99% of players around the world, it fails football as an industry and it fails the world’s most beloved game” (Piat, FIFPro President). Is it right to end co-ownership? In my opinion, it is not right to have co-ownership because it will be clubs choosing players with money which is unloyal to players who wants to stay but couldn’t. However, this system can be improved in another way of making the football association better with respect.

How about you create a system that could benefit players, clubs, and fans?

Comiendo Bien


¿Estás comiendo bien? Escoger comidas ricas por ejemplo verduras, frutas, huevos, y muchos nutrientes es muy importante. No debes comer comida basura porque es muy mal para tu cuerpo y puede enfermarse fácilmente. A veces usted puede comer alimentos con azúcares porque te ayuda a estar enfocado durante el día. Balance entre comidas es importante, es importante que tienes suficientes proteínas y grasas. Mantienes su cuerpo saludable, el hospital está sufriendo. Yo como comida saludable para el desayuno y la cena pero el almuerzo es de la escuela y es terrible.

Academic Honesty


Academic dishonesty or academic misconduct is any type of cheating that occurs in relation to a formal academic exercise. However, there are many rules you should follow, but there might be different ones in different occasions.

Plagiarism → A work represent another person’s idea without citing
Cheating → Students attempts to misrepresent academic skills or knowledge through use of unauthorized materials on exams /assignments
Fabrication → Misrepresentation or invention of any work, intentional
Duplication → Copy and Paste of original work into your own work
Collusion → Aid and abet another student to be dishonest

Into the 3 student handbook I’ve researched about, including Kaohsiung American School as one, it is based on Transparency, Appropriateness, Formal Submission
Consequences: Academic Probation (no after school and extracurricular activities and referral to Student Services Team), Formal Conference with parents, 0 credit for course or marked incomplete, report to a university (affect your college application after graduation), withdrawal from KAS, or other consequences at superintendent’s decision.

In Basis Charter School, comparing to KAS, it is less severe consequences than KAS, its consequences are 0 credit for assignment or quiz only. Collusion, fabrication, and duplication not included. Adding to more, no other consequences applied, it is withdrawal for other disciplinary violations.

The Lawrenceville School is pretty much similar with the student handbook of KAS, and the violations are taken very seriously. A violation can be put on a student’s permanent record or transcript and can impact on how their college application will succeed or not.

Presentation made by: Eric, Yujinia, and author

Perspectives in Education between Chinese and American


Different people have different perspectives, especially when people don’t understand the other when they are in different places. They could hear rumors, or misunderstood something, and have false understanding among idea(s).

In Individuals and Societies class, I learned and brainstormed about different perspective of how students from two big countries view each other. The given might be true, from perspectives, or rather false opinions. Dividing the two sections into facts and opinions, facts are the big differences we see from attending both educations having experiences, opinions are what students in American that live there and never been to Chinese education anywhere think about the Chinese students just from… anywhere. And the other way around to Chinese students having thoughts about American education too.