Working with Attributions


Fear Inside Fear
Screamfest by Roberto Rachado Cabello via Pinterest

Mask Under a Mask
The Joker by Stark via Pinterest

The Shining by Huffpost via Pinterest

Same things acting in opposite ways is a great illusion to your mind. When scary characters see themselves, looking back on what they’ve done and the way they make others feel, they make themselves feel the same way too. When you take off the mask of someone else, it could be another mask under it, as if The Joker hid himself under a joker mask to make himself untargetted and the most unique. Illusion, one might not make a difference, but two would make a huge impact, as if they are the fear of you, the illusion is.

They say a image is worth a thousand words, what you write for the picture is what you think it is, and it could be infinite ways of doing that. When I cited the images using hyperlink, it is very efficient by putting in 3 parts, the picture URL itself, the author URL, and the company publicating the image. A reflection doesn’t say what you learn but what you did, what you accomplished. The three images I chose really did show great compare in the text I caption them into, in one to five words, can simply describe the thousand words pictures into a million.

Digital Presence & Citizenship


Digital citizenship refers to using technology online to engage in society, politics, and government, how one chose to use the internet regularly and effectively. Digital footprint means what you leave behind after doing something digitally online when you search something, share something, what you did in the past. Once you put something on the internet, there are still tracks left behind even if you take it back or delete it. After you read this article, you should be able to understand the point that if something will be left forever, why do things that you want to clean up afterward? Cleaning up your digital footprint should be the same meaning as not doing something on the web.

Before posting something, think, is this going to harm anyone? Is this necessary? How are people going to feel? Is this dangerous? To harm anyone means to change another person in the bad. To be necessary means you have to, not wanting to. Keep in mind how others are going to feel after you post something, think in their perspective, and is it dangerous, for yourself, and to the public, because you posted this, and what you posted come from you, and if people can find you, whatever may happen are the consequences.

When people discuss something online, they don’t have to know each other, but once you talk about a certain name, mentioning a person, it changes the fact about sharing opinions because you would be judging that person. This connects to being necessary or not, replying, or not. If it’s not necessary to reply on a post or posting something, don’t. It’ll just create more possibility of trouble and it’ll be harder to handle after then.

When you show presence to the public, dangerous people might target you, hack on you. It’s based on the dangerous people’s opinion, they want you to be in trouble or not. The way to keep you 100% out of trouble is to not take a step, which means not to have any footprint, and you don’t have to erase anything because you didn’t do anything. But when it is necessary to take a step, such as schoolwork, family, friends, work, just refer back to the points for you to think before you post, think ahead for yourself, the consequences?

In fact, college/university applies for checking your digital presence, the way you use media and might change their way of letting you in. They will check your facebook, mail, Instagram, they can find these because you leave digital footprints behind, but if you show digital footprint in a good way that you care about others, you don’t have to be afraid.

Some articles I looked at are:

Online Guidelines for Student Blogging, Commenting, and Personal Safety


3 Student Handbooks


The student handbook is a collection of conduct standards, policies, and procedures that outline so that students are aware of expectations from the school. However, handbooks from different schools can be similar and/or dissimilar in context.

The KAS high school handbook defines each class course possible to take in the entire high school years, credits, and expectations of class courses from school, and for applying for colleges. Basically, it is telling you what we need and the big picture of high school into college because that is the final main point we go to KAS for. Despite KAS, TAS mentioned all the advantages of high school in there, how easy it will be, but not much more after college, so TAS only covers till students graduate from there. MAK stated mostly AP course which is easy for students to know what college they want and what they prefer, it is kind of helping you to get in college but not that much.

Grading systems in different schools would be different, KAS uses MYP nowadays, but TAS and MAK still use averaging, GPA is used in all three schools but the points are given differently for A+ in KAS and MAK, 4.33 and 4 is a difference student can distinguish between in.

Rules are more detailed in the KAS handbook, every rule is given and it is hard to not find one or break one. Consequences are like a cause and effect, what you do wrong deserves a reasonable punishment, TAS uses the same technique as KAS giving chances up to 4 or 5 times and each time the consequences gets higher. MAK clearly uses the bible to cover the rules, but it only covers up the main concepts on being a good human being, not everything of a student.

School handbook keeps students in order, in one, together. It is written text that students in the school follows and apply to all. When a student chooses to follow the policies, it makes it easy and normal in school, when a student decides to break the policies, consequences will apply, these are the main part of keeping students following the handbook.