Inclined Plane Investigation



The G.R.A.S.P. was a science group project to introduce to our classmates the aspect of a simple machine through a lesson and also demonstration of a simple machine through an experiment.

1. What were your contributions to the success of your group’s lesson presentation? Be specific. What parts did you research, what parts of the experiment did you have responsibility for, what were your responsibilities for the lesson preparation and presentation?

I contributed in the whole lab report, which made them in some parts of our scripts, responsible for researching background information, collecting data into graphs, then drawing how we conducted our experiment.

2. Describe one part of this project that was a challenge? How did you respond to this challenge?

One challenge was communicating with group members, we all have our own available times and unavailable times, but some did less which means others have to do more. I respond by spending more times than other to finish this assignment

3. Describe what you most enjoyed about the project? What part are you most proud of–that you say “WE DID GREAT”?

What I enjoyed in our project is conducting the experiment and writing the lab report. I liked how we measured and collected data from each and every stairs in the campus. Lab report being able to explain our thoughts to the experiment by mainly hypothesis and conclusion. Hypothesis is a scientific guess while conclusion is explaining is your hypothesis correct or not.

4. Long after this project has ended, what parts of the experience will you remember? (…“the nightmare is over, I have blocked it completely from my mind!”…hopefully not!)

I remembered different group members participate and contributed different amount of work, the project is finally over!

Mitosis and Meiosis


Mitosis is used for almost all of your body’s cell division needs. The goal of Mitosis is to make an exact copy of the nuclei that are genetically identical to their mothers, with not a single chromosome more or less. It adds new cells during development and replaces the old cells throughout your life. Mitosis ends up by taking the cell and makes it two (diploid).

Meiosis, on the other hand, is used for just one purpose in the human body: the production of gametes sex cells. Its goal is to make genetically different cells. Meiosis ends up with 4 new cells.

Mitosis and Meiosis both goes though many phases in order to complete its main goal.


Cheetah: Population Decreasing


From the Graph and Infographic, you see that Cheetahs are extinct in more than 20 countries around the world. In 1900, estimated over 100,000 cheetahs in the wild, nowadays, only estimated 9,000 to 11,000 cheetahs still remaining in the wild of Africa. It seems like 10,000 is a great amount, but if the decreasing rate keeps going on, by about 2025, none of them are going to survive. 


National Geographic Kids |. (2017). National Geographic Kids. Retrieved 8 June 2017, from

(2017). Retrieved 8 June 2017, from

How to Conserve Big Cats


If we stop the poachers from poaching then the big cats won’t be endangered.

The South China Tiger, Siberian Tiger, the Bengal Tiger and the Cheetah are all endangered big cats. These cats are all endangered because of humans. Us humans keep poaching them to the point where these big cats only exist in captive breeding and no sight of them was reported existing freely in the wild.

The South China Tigers are functionally extinct where it has not been seen in the wild for over 25 years, about 30 of them are held in captivity right now in hopes of being reintroduced into the wild. The population has decreased from 4,000 to 30 in just 32 years.

During the past few years, hunting and deforestation have reduced the number of Siberian tigers. Poaching is one of the main reasons, although reduced, is still a very significant threat to the Siberian tigers. The population of Siberian tigers have dropped as much as 40 percent during the past 12 years. It is estimated that only 300 tigers remain in the wild, while others live in captivity.

The Bengal Tigers are at 2500 after many years of hunting, poaching is the biggest cause for why they are decreasing, if we stop poaching we can breed them and we can raise the population of the tigers, habitat loss is another big issue! We can stop taking the wild from tigers, tigers care a lot about territory one tiger can take care of 200 miles? If the Bengal tiger the apex predator will be destroyed and then the food chain will go to one main species , then more animals will go extinct!

Cheetah’s population decreased from 100,000 to 9,000 from the past 100 years. Poaching is one cause of all these, but what are the solutions? The IUCN Red List Classification is now endangered and the population is decreasing in a fast rate, and if apex poachers keep killing top predators, the main key of the food chain will be destroyed.

Our solutions:

Letting these illegal poachers know what they are doing that they can’t see, which is destroying the nature and all the innocent big cats, we don’t disagree humans are important, but we also need to start caring about endangered species. Second, we could also donate money to the people who are studying the species and finding ways to reintroduce the endangered animals back to nature again.


Basic Facts About Cheetahs. (2012). Defenders of Wildlife. Retrieved 8 June 2017, from

Hunting Cheetah. (2017). Hunting Namibia Africa. Retrieved 8 June 2017, from

Save the Big Cats. (2017). YouTube. Retrieved 8 June 2017, from