Kevin Laue’s Speech


Kevin Laue’s Speech
BY: Brian Lin

Today an inspirational speaker came to our school, his name was Kevin Laue. He gave a speech to the 4th ~ 7th graders. Kevin was special because he was not like any of us. He only had one hand. He never gives up because he had a dream. Kevin Laue was born on April 13, 1990. He was in the age of 25 now. His dad past away when he was 10 years old. But he still didn’t give up on his own dream. Kevin was 6 feet 11 inches tall and was born missing half of his left hand.

Kevin was first felt depressed from being teased and left out by his classmates when he was in elementary and middle school. But after he starts to move forward towards his dream, which is to become a basketball player, he began to start social with his classmates and teammates on his basketball team. He starts to like himself. Kevin’s parents starts by encourage Kevin to play soccer. But Kevin did NOT like soccer, he thinks that basketball was his future. So that it became his dream. Kevin told us that everyone of us matters, and everyone of us have our own dream. And once you have a dream, you should never give up on it.

Kevin inspired every single person in his speech today. Kevin inspired me to keep playing tennis and never give up. Kevin’s speech inspired all of us to move towards the up, which is towards your own dream. Kevin’s words can help me get confidence by thinking of what he did. -Never give up, never give up, never give up… try your best on what you can do… Kevin said that he was CERTAIN to be a basketball player because that was his dream and he loved it. Kevin’s speech made me also felt CERTAIN that I would become a tennis player when I grow up.Kevin’s words made me have a plan on knowing what to do this summer… working and practicing on my dream.: soccer and tennis.

This is a movie trailer about Kevin Laue.

Aztec Adventure Story


The Life Of the Ballgame
By: Brian Lin

One day, at Darren’s house, Jerry, Morgan, and Darren and I were all busy testing Jerry’s new invention, The Time Machine. Then, an Aztec Tenochtitlan picture accidently touched the time machine.
“AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” We all shouted.
I saw a few branches in front of my face. It took a few seconds to realize that we are in a tree.
“Where are we?” Darren asked.
“Tenochtitlan” Morgan Shouted.
“What?” said Jerry.
“Tenochtitlan is the Capital of the ancient Aztecs!” I said.
“What a beautiful place!” Said Darren.
“Let’s get out of here.” Said Jerry
When we climbed down from the tree, we heard someone yelling, “Capture them!” We turned and looked.
“An Eagle Warrior!”
We stood still, so does the eagle warrior.
“What’s wrong with the wearing of the eagle warrior! murmured Jerry. “We would be bloody if we touched the clothes that is made out of sharp stones.
“And the feathers everywhere!” whispered Darren.
“Look at his shoe! its made out of woods” I said.
“I think we better start running.” said Morgan
We ran, and the Eagle Warrior shot spears and arrows but he missed. Morgan tripped and fell down to the ground. The Aztec warrior caught Morgan and tied him up with a rope, turned around, and started walking back.
“What should we do?” Darren asked.
“I think we should go after the Aztecs and save Morgan,” said Jerry. “Or trade Morgan back with something.”
“What thing should we trade for?” I asked, “I have nothing interesting for the Aztec people, and I left my backpack downstairs!”
“Maybe we should look for something” Jerry suggested.
“What should we look for?”
“Gold or diamonds?”
“It will take forever for you to find golds or stuff like that,” Darren replied. “And you know, Aztec people are not interested in things like that.”
“Or maybe just say where we came from and half the chance, they would give Morgan back.” I suggested.
We gathered our ideas together and chose the one that we think it would work. “The Aztec Ballgame.”
We arrived at the ballgame court and it was 200 feet long and 30 feet wide at its center section. It is shaped like an capital “I.” This shape represented the universe.
Suddenly, a six-inch round rubber ball (which symbolized the sun) went flying with rocket speed towards us. It hit Jerry in the stomach. Hard.
“Ouch!” Jerry shouted, “Who did that?”
The Aztec ballplayers came rushing towards us. Darren shivered.
“Let’s play the ballgame,” said Jerry. “If we win, give Morgan back to us, if we lose, then you can capture us.”
“Who is Morgan?” The Aztec ballplayers asked.
“Our friend, who you guys just captured a few hours ago.”
“Alright, Let’s start the game!” they said.
“Wait.” Said Darren, “I don’t even know what the rules are and how to play.”
“Ok, now this is what you wear. A headdress, a hacha, a yoke to protect your waist, these wooden shoes, palma, manopla, yuguito. And here are the rules. You only can use your waist to hit the ball through the hoop that is large enough to accommodate the six-inch rubber ball. No hands, no feet or stuff like that, only your waist,” explained one of the Aztecs.
We wore the uniforms. The game had now begun. It was 3 on 3. The score kept tied until the jaguars got a point. The score was 1-0. Just one time, just one time, Darren shoot the ball into the hoop. The score was 2-1.
“Yeah!” Jerry and I yelled at the same time.
Five more minutes were left, the score was 9-7. I’m glad that we practiced the Aztec Ballgame at recess.
Jerry and I scored 2 more lucky goals to make the score tie. Finally! Darren scored the final goal as he hit the ball through the hoop with his waist.
“Now, give us back Morgan!” I yelled.
Two Aztec Warriors walked with Morgan to the ballcourt. “You’re free now,” they said.
We ran back to the forest and went up to the tree that we came from and put a picture of Taipei on top of the time machine. The wind blowed so hard. I opened my eyes and looked around. We were on the high speed rail, heading for Kaohsiung.
“What a day! We shouted together. “I bet we are going to be the role model of our Aztec project.
The End

We studied about Aztec people and learned many facts and used it in the story.
It has true facts in the story!

Book Cover:       

Climax Picture:

Aztec Adventure Story


The Life Of the Ballgame
By: Brian Lin

One day, at Darren’s house, Jerry, Morgan, and Darren and I were all busy testing Jerry’s new invention, The Time Machine. Then, an Aztec Tenochtitlan picture accidently touched the time machine.
“AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” We all shouted.
I saw a few branches in front of my face. It took a few seconds to realize that we are in a tree.
“Where are we?” Darren asked.
“Tenochtitlan” Morgan Shouted.
“What?” said Jerry.
“Tenochtitlan is the Capital of the ancient Aztecs!” I said.
“What a beautiful place!” Said Darren.
“Let’s get out of here.” Said Jerry
When we climbed down from the tree, we heard someone yelling, “Capture them!” We turned and looked.
“An Eagle Warrior!”
We stood still, so does the eagle warrior.
“What’s wrong with the wearing of the eagle warrior! murmured Jerry. “We would be bloody if we touched the clothes that is made out of sharp stones.
“And the feathers everywhere!” whispered Darren.
“Look at his shoe! its made out of woods” I said.
“I think we better start running.” said Morgan
We ran, and the Eagle Warrior shot spears and arrows but he missed. Morgan tripped and fell down to the ground. The Aztec warrior caught Morgan and tied him up with a rope, turned around, and started walking back.
“What should we do?” Darren asked.
“I think we should go after the Aztecs and save Morgan,” said Jerry. “Or trade Morgan back with something.”
“What thing should we trade for?” I asked, “I have nothing interesting for the Aztec people, and I left my backpack downstairs!”
“Maybe we should look for something” Jerry suggested.
“What should we look for?”
“Gold or diamonds?”
“It will take forever for you to find golds or stuff like that,” Darren replied. “And you know, Aztec people are not interested in things like that.”
“Or maybe just say where we came from and half the chance, they would give Morgan back.” I suggested.
We gathered our ideas together and chose the one that we think it would work. “The Aztec Ballgame.”
We arrived at the ballgame court and it was 200 feet long and 30 feet wide at its center section. It is shaped like an capital “I.” This shape represented the universe.
Suddenly, a six-inch round rubber ball (which symbolized the sun) went flying with rocket speed towards us. It hit Jerry in the stomach. Hard.
“Ouch!” Jerry shouted, “Who did that?”
The Aztec ballplayers came rushing towards us. Darren shivered.
“Let’s play the ballgame,” said Jerry. “If we win, give Morgan back to us, if we lose, then you can capture us.”
“Who is Morgan?” The Aztec ballplayers asked.
“Our friend, who you guys just captured a few hours ago.”
“Alright, Let’s start the game!” they said.
“Wait.” Said Darren, “I don’t even know what the rules are and how to play.”
“Ok, now this is what you wear. A headdress, a hacha, a yoke to protect your waist, these wooden shoes, palma, manopla, yuguito. And here are the rules. You only can use your waist to hit the ball through the hoop that is large enough to accommodate the six-inch rubber ball. No hands, no feet or stuff like that, only your waist,” explained one of the Aztecs.
We wore the uniforms. The game had now begun. It was 3 on 3. The score kept tied until the jaguars got a point. The score was 1-0. Just one time, just one time, Darren shoot the ball into the hoop. The score was 2-1.
“Yeah!” Jerry and I yelled at the same time.
Five more minutes were left, the score was 9-7. I’m glad that we practiced the Aztec Ballgame at recess.
Jerry and I scored 2 more lucky goals to make the score tie. Finally! Darren scored the final goal as he hit the ball through the hoop with his waist.
“Now, give us back Morgan!” I yelled.
Two Aztec Warriors walked with Morgan to the ballcourt. “You’re free now,” they said.
We ran back to the forest and went up to the tree that we came from and put a picture of Taipei on top of the time machine. The wind blowed so hard. I opened my eyes and looked around. We were on the high speed rail, heading for Kaohsiung.
“What a day! We shouted together. “I bet we are going to be the role model of our Aztec project.
The End

This is my Aztec Adventure story. We learned MANY facts at Social Studies class and made a story with MANY facts in it. Enjoy reading it!!!

How to make an Aztec Mask


In social studies class, we learn about the Aztecs they made masks out of jewels. We created the Aztec masks by painting and gluing them, try making one yourself!

Step 1: Paper Mache a Ballon, Step 2: After it is dry and hard, cut the shape in half and you can take out the balloon. Step 3: cut a few pieces of blue paper. Step 4: stick it on the mask with water glue, no overlapping. Step 5: Wait till it dry.

Remember: Never put your mask into a shower.