Making Connections With The Crucible


There is always blatant lies someone tells and everyone else believes, and even worse, it affects the other’s reputation in ways more than one.

In The Crucible, the most significant scene that played is that after Abigail led the witchcraft practice in the forest with the girls, she accuses Tibuta to be the head of all of it after being confronted by Reverend Hale. In Tibuta’s perspective, I can really notice her feelings from her tone and emotion, first having fun dancing in the woods, together doing the same thing, but when troubles come, one jumps out to blame the other as if first come first serve.

“Abigail: Don’t lie! To Hale: She comes to me while I sleep; she’s always making me dream corruptions!
Tibuta: Why you say that, Abby?” (Miller, 41).

It is significant that Abigail lies by telling Tibuta to not lie, and Abigail really took hold of this dialogue trying to convince Reverend Hale about his original accusation, knowing that he just wants someone, anyone to take blame in this trouble. The character traits are completely different and somehow opposite, in Abigail’s perspective, she basically wants Tibuta to die at this point, because the false accusation already gave it away and Abigail knows that it’ll never go backwards. Tibuta, still in shock of all of this sudden accuse, doesn’t know how to fight back as Abigail has taken hold on this conversation. Finally, with some physical support from Reverend Hale, Tibuta helplessly took the accusation.

Courtroom via Visual Hunt / CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication

“Hale: You have confessed yourself to witchcraft, and that speaks a wish to come to Heaven’s side. And we will bless you, Tibuta” (Miller, 43).

It is always frustrating to clean up after someone, or to be accused of something that I never did. As the one being blamed often, I always ask myself “how can people believe lies when the truth is so obvious?” and become so frustrated about why I have no one to blame if it seems so easy for others. In The Crucible, death penalties were everywhere, and that’s why the people in Salem are afraid that they have no one to blame because accusations and playacting will keep coming.

Persuasive Speech: Water Scarcity’s Invasion to the Population


During this unit, a persuasive speech was written with the combination of rhetorical devices such as ethos, logos, and pathos, to effectively persuade the audience about my topic. My topic was the impact to the population from water scarcity and solutions to it. My research was conducted to provide credibility, evidence, and connection effectively between me and my audience. Below is my persuasive speech and outline, speech video, and reflection of this unit.

Persuasive Speech & Outline:

Speech Video:


¿Cómo Ser Saludable?


Una vida sana es siempre importante, requiere mucho determinación, y es simple pero difícil. Comes bien, duermes bien, mantenerse hidratado, mueves tu cuerpo, y no necesitas recalcar.

Comes bien y equilibrada así que tu cuerpo puedes recibir vitamina C suficiente en las verduras, proteínas en la carne. Algo de verduras o frutas ayudarte a mantenerse hidratado, por ejemplo la sandía, la naranja (también recibes vitamina C), la lechuga, y el tomate.

Indonesia, Woman, Working, Carrying Fruit, Baskets

Es importante que tengas hábitos buenos de descansar. Tu cuerpo necesitas descansar todos los días por al menos ocho horas por la noche. Para tienes dormir suficiente, control tu tiempo bien. Recibes la mayoría de energía de dormir, que también vas a estar menos perezoso y más activo en la escuela, tu casa, afuera, y el resto del día. Recomiendo que tú duermas a las doce y dejes tu tarea para completar en la mañana porque descansar es más importante que trabajar.

Beber mucha del agua a mantenerse hidratado y mantenerse activo en tu día. Y es necesario que tú necesites agua para vivir. Bebes agua para ayudarte a enfocar en la escuela y no bebes demasiado refrescos porque tienen muchas azúcar y no es saludable por tu cuerpo si bebes demasiado. 

En conclusión, es importante que mantengas una vida sana. Cuando yo era joven, yo estaba dormir hasta tarde en la noche antes, entonces yo estaba muy perezoso durante el día. Ahora, estoy productivo y recomiendo que hagas el mismo.

3 Ultimate Tips to Block a Volleyball


Volleyball requires skill, technique, communication, a little bit of extra tip if you want to stand out easily from every player that works hard. Let’s start with the basics, blocking posture: start in the center of the net, knees slightly bent in a ready position so you can explode up, and forearms 45 degrees away from your torso muscles in front. Common mistakes players make is that they start standing straight up or they start too close to the net and end up netting.

Tip#1: It is more important to reach over the net versus high.

Volleyball by EYOF Utrecht 2013 via VisualHunt / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

There are two types of mental blocks in volleyball:
Reaction Block
Commit Block

Stating that they’re mental, they actually is! Not actual mechanics or techniques, they are for how you should act upon your mind in the game. The reaction block is when you wait until the set is given to quickly react to the block. The mechanic for this type of block is just to get your hands up as quickly as possible, hoping to get a touch on the ball to slow it down.

The second type of block, the commit block is executed when you read the offense well. For example, seeing a trend or pattern going on the opponents offense, then you can prepare for your maximum jump by bending lower because then can commit to the block.

Tip#2: It’s always better to go for the commit block
As it can bring about more pressure and threat to your opponent’s offense. However, it is not simple, as the wrong commitment would be worse than having just a reaction block. It’s basically a free spike for the other team, or in other words a free point.

“Leaning back cue”
Set by DanDee Shots via Creative Commons / CC BY 2.0

Tip#3: Train your eyes to recognize cues that opponents can’t hide.
Setters usually straighten their legs when they are aiming for the middle, lean forward when aiming for 4 (your right), and tend to lean back when aiming 5 (your left). These simple tips of blocking a volleyball can be easily trained after understanding the entire breakdown of it.

Championship Productions. “Train Middles to Read the Opponent’s Setter! – Volleyball 2016 #18.” Youtube, 2 May 2016,