Archive of ‘year 1’ category

Individual Oral Internal Assessment

In my individual oral, I chose my global issue after the Persepolis discussion I had with my classmate. In this discussion, we explored more about Satrapi’s identity in terms of representing herself through her country and the complexity of nationalism and patriotism. Out of the many global issues we discussed, I chose to analyze the global issue of identity change and more specifically how it can be influenced by societal pressure and cultural differences. I thought that I could relate to this global issue more on a personal level because it is a very common topic among young teenagers and adults proving the issue to be timeless and limitless. An example I made specifically is young adults being particularly affected by societal pressure through the use of social media which causes them to have an identity struggle. These texts personally showed me that identity change isn’t always a bad thing as people can develop personal growth from these experiences and learn new values in the process, essentially showing that identity change is a part of the development in life. I prepared for my IO by first writing my outline and listing out all the things I want to include, then organizing them in a concise matter to later practice with my 10 bullet points. Timing my IO was important for me to know about how long I should be talking. Practicing it out loud was also helpful in putting me in the most realistic situation. My main challenge was the timing as I was afraid to go over time and was nervous about keeping a balance in the IO.

Sacrifice and Protest in sports: Nike and Icarus reflection

During this unit, we viewed 2 non-literary works. Icarus is a documentary about Russia’s practice of doping in the sports industry. It was named after the Greek mythology where Icarus had is wings melted off because he flew too close to the sun despite his father’s warning. Nike is another non-literary work we viewed, where we looked at Colin Kaepernick’s protest against police brutality and racial discrimination. Both works share a common theme of sacrifice and protest in sports.

While choosing which 2 works I wanted to analyze for my IO recording, we were partnered up to create a poster connecting all the literary and non-literary works we have viewed. I think this helped me get a good sense of what I wanted to analyze becau, of the visual representation of the connections, I could see the more clearly which works had more in common, which ones had a bigger difference or how the differences can impact the connection between each work. Working in pairs was also helpful because I was able to get a second opinion on things and widen my perspective on each of the works.

my mini IO recording
I think that the mini IO helped me understand what I needed to include for my analysis of the non-literary work. It was a helpful practice to learn how to pace my time and also I was more prepared and knew what to expect for the IO summative. Since the practice IO was only 5 minutes, it was

Sacrifice and protest in sports: one pager reflection

My thoughts about the Nike advertisement:
Explain whether you are in support of it or not. Make connections to yourself as a viewer, to the ad, to Colin Kaepernick, and to the context.

I support Kaepernick’s protest since his intentions were for the right reasons and his sacrifice of his career is bold enough to make a statement. I think that as a viewer, Kaepernick started a non-violent protest that didn’t physically harm anyone and his protest was based on a reasonable belief proving that he isn’t guilty of anything. In the ad, Nike used the word “sacrifice” which offended many soldiers/ law enforcement, but although Kaepernick’s sacrifice wasn’t the same as the soldiers, his sacrifice was bold enough to make a statement to the public and he didn’t stop his protest for money as other athletes did. Kaepernick’s intentions weren’t to offend all law enforcement but only police brutality. He couldn’t specifically address the officers that are involved in police brutality so he could only address them as a whole.

Readers, Writers, Text
We have now looked closely at the Nike Ad featuring Colin Kaepernick and we have debated about its content, context, and purpose. We have looked at it through the lens of readers, writers, and texts.

Explain to what extent the context of production should be considered when analyzing advertisements.

When analyzing advertisements, the readers should know that the ad is also promoting their brand or product which could interfere with the message the writers are trying to convey. I think that the ads can be useful in raising awareness by using the fame of their brand but the company needs to strongly believe in the cause too because by promoting these messages they are investing money in it too.

Readers, Writers, Text
Why do we study language? Consider how the structure or style of a text affects meaning.

By studying language, it’s a form of communication between people to share what they have in common and what they disagree on. The structure and style can communicate different meanings of the message. In the ads, the structure of where everything is placed can show the readers what the main points of the ad are. The fonts, color, and style can set the mood for the readers and affect what they think about the ad.

Readers, Writers, Text
In what ways is meaning constructed, negotiated, expressed and interpreted? Consider your POD-ahaa annotations, the persuasive techniques, and the articles that you read.

The meaning of the ads can change the way people look at them as people with different options can negotiate with the different sides of the story. Both sides of the ad can be constructed with more biased information to alter and persuade the way people see the story

Antigone reflection

In this unit, we studied the play Antigone in comparison to previous plays that we have read before like A Doll’s house. The two plays shared a common theme of rebelling against societal norms for personal reasons. Antigone is a play located in Greece during the 14th century BC. We had group discussions, analyzed text from the plays and connected the context from the play to modern-day rebels.

In our discussions, we mentioned real-world rebellions that were similar to the rebellions from Antigone and A Doll’s house. Specifically, we discussed topic 4 which is cultural similarities and differences about the nature of rebellion. We included how rebellions start and last, history examples of rebellions and comparisons of modern-day rebellions and historical ones.

Paul Robeson website
In the morality and marginalization project, each group needed to research a rebel that demonstrated rebellious behaviors through the actions of sacrifices. My job in our group was to research background information and the first negative constructive for our rebel from a negative point of view. I found my job particularly challenging in ways that I needed to think of reasons why my rebel was guilty. I think this part was the hardest because of the difference in culture and time. Society differs from time and through time people can change what is considered “normal” or expected.
Unit question: How might an individual understand his/her own values and morality through the ways in which he/she is willing to question the status quo and face marginalization?
A person can test the importance of their beliefs by making sacrifices and by their willingness to question societal expectations knowing their punishment. Both plays displayed an act of rebellion to social norms as Nora and Antigone challenged society’s common way of thinking with personal beliefs, aware of their consequences.

In my untimed paper 2 writing, I wrote about prompt 3: How has suffering been described in two works you have studied, and how could this be said to give meaning to life? With the subject of suffering and life, I needed to analyze the actions in both plays to understand how each character suffered and what their meaning of life is. I learned that in A Doll’s house, Ibsen displayed Nora’s suffering with Torvald’s patronizing treatments and the meaning of life was her opportunity to find her own identity. Antigone suffered with the dishonor of her brother’s burial and her meaning of life was the satisfaction of honoring her family.

Political Cartoon Analysis

In this assignment, we needed to analyze the humor and stylistic techniques used in political cartoons. Specifically looking at the purpose of the text and drawing choices. With a given prompt to discuss how the language features aim to persuade viewers of the political cartoon to think and behave.

In this unit, I chose to analyze a cartoon about gender roles and gender inequality. After analyzing the cartoons, I needed to write the purpose of the cartoon in a TIEA formate. Specifically, the purpose behind the cartoons and the intentions of the cartoonist. I learned more about the purpose and humor behind the political cartoons and also how small stylistic details can bring out the details of the purpose. Since the cartoon I chose had a lot of text and not a lot of characters drawn I was mainly focused on finding the humor techniques and how the cartoonist utilizes it in the cartoon. Because I didn’t practice much on analyzing the stylistic techniques when I needed to analyze a cartoon with a lot of stylistic techniques I was unsure of what to find and what the cartoonist intentions are. By looking at the details we can see that Liza Donnelly used her personal experience in her cartoons but other cartoonists that I analyzed during the timed writing could have other intentions and want to express another purpose. I think because of my lack of practice, I was unable to find the details I needed to support my thesis.

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