Sacrifice and protest in sports: one pager reflection

My thoughts about the Nike advertisement:
Explain whether you are in support of it or not. Make connections to yourself as a viewer, to the ad, to Colin Kaepernick, and to the context.

I support Kaepernick’s protest since his intentions were for the right reasons and his sacrifice of his career is bold enough to make a statement. I think that as a viewer, Kaepernick started a non-violent protest that didn’t physically harm anyone and his protest was based on a reasonable belief proving that he isn’t guilty of anything. In the ad, Nike used the word “sacrifice” which offended many soldiers/ law enforcement, but although Kaepernick’s sacrifice wasn’t the same as the soldiers, his sacrifice was bold enough to make a statement to the public and he didn’t stop his protest for money as other athletes did. Kaepernick’s intentions weren’t to offend all law enforcement but only police brutality. He couldn’t specifically address the officers that are involved in police brutality so he could only address them as a whole.

Readers, Writers, Text
We have now looked closely at the Nike Ad featuring Colin Kaepernick and we have debated about its content, context, and purpose. We have looked at it through the lens of readers, writers, and texts.

Explain to what extent the context of production should be considered when analyzing advertisements.

When analyzing advertisements, the readers should know that the ad is also promoting their brand or product which could interfere with the message the writers are trying to convey. I think that the ads can be useful in raising awareness by using the fame of their brand but the company needs to strongly believe in the cause too because by promoting these messages they are investing money in it too.

Readers, Writers, Text
Why do we study language? Consider how the structure or style of a text affects meaning.

By studying language, it’s a form of communication between people to share what they have in common and what they disagree on. The structure and style can communicate different meanings of the message. In the ads, the structure of where everything is placed can show the readers what the main points of the ad are. The fonts, color, and style can set the mood for the readers and affect what they think about the ad.

Readers, Writers, Text
In what ways is meaning constructed, negotiated, expressed and interpreted? Consider your POD-ahaa annotations, the persuasive techniques, and the articles that you read.

The meaning of the ads can change the way people look at them as people with different options can negotiate with the different sides of the story. Both sides of the ad can be constructed with more biased information to alter and persuade the way people see the story

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