Archive of ‘english’ category

Digital citizenship

What is digital citizenship? Digital citizenship is the digital presence you have online. Digital citizenship is both dangerous and useful. Digital citizenship can help people communicate, be social, or give them access to new information. There are many ways for people to communicate online, for example, group chats, comments, or tags. Social media can give people access to new information by following the page, this is convenient for many people because people check social media almost daily. The media can be safe and useful if it is used properly. In every media site, there is specific rules and terms of use. These rules usually are for the safety of the user. Dangerous things can happen on the internet like exposing personal information, leaving harmful words, or copyright. Digital footprint is also left behind, people can search and find things you have posted or personal things about you. Some social sites like Instagram has a private account option to protect accounts from strangers.

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3 student handbook

I think that the 3 handbooks are different in ways like PV high having a strict cheating rule and a very specific dress code. I think they have these rules because the students are different. Both the schools are different and similar. Both MAK and KAS value how the students dress, both of them don’t allow spaghetti straps, short shorts, and exposed midriff. One thing all 3 schools have in common is the code of conduct for students at athletic/ extra curricular events, I think this is very important because the schools care about having a good influence and reputation on others. These handbooks are important because it helps students understand what is expected of them .