September 2017 archive

Images caption

All three of these images relate to each other because they change in a way. The butterfly image changed the color of the wings, the weather changes in picture 3 and the birds change in picture 1.

Stay away from bad people in the internet

The internet is can be dangerous. Strangers can use your photos or your name as an advantage for fame. Social media like snapchat or Instagram can show your location, this can lead to people being followed or stalked. Sharing too much personal information is dangerous because people can steal your identity and pretend to be you online.

To avoid strangers stealing your identity, keep your account on private and only accept the friend request of people you know. Keeping your account on private will preventĀ other users to access your information like your post, captions, or location.

If the account isn’t set up properly thenĀ the accounts can be hacked or stolen.

internetSafety ghost by paul Klintworth (CC BY-NC 2.0)

Digital citizenship

What is digital citizenship? Digital citizenship is the digital presence you have online. Digital citizenship is both dangerous and useful. Digital citizenship can help people communicate, be social, or give them access to new information. There are many ways for people to communicate online, for example, group chats, comments, or tags. Social media can give people access to new information by following the page, this is convenient for many people because people check social media almost daily. The media can be safe and useful if it is used properly. In every media site, there is specific rules and terms of use. These rules usually are for the safety of the user. Dangerous things can happen on the internet like exposing personal information, leaving harmful words, or copyright. Digital footprint is also left behind, people can search and find things you have posted or personal things about you. Some social sites like Instagram has a private account option to protect accounts from strangers.

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