February 2019 archive

The crucible: Making connections

In The Crucible Act 1, Reverend Parris is trying to find the person responsible for Betty’s sickness and the witchcraft activity in the forest. He interrogates Abigail and Tituba, who participated in the witchcraft activity. Since practicing witchcraft is a sin and punishable by death, Abigail and Tituba starts to name names to stop the accusations against them. When Reverend Hale asked if Abigail conjured witchcraft, she immediately blamed it on Tituba as soon as Tituba enters. “She made me do it! She made Betty do it!” (40) When Tituba was accused, she was threatened for being hanged and confessed to working for the devil. “I don’t know, sir, but the Devil got him, numerous witches.” (42) Abigail and Tituba named several names and blamed them for working with the devil. “Aye, sir, and Goody Osburn” (44) “I saw Sarah Good with the Devil! I saw Goody Osburn with the Devil! I saw Bridget Bishop with the Devil!” (45)

This situation reminded me of movie court scenes, where the judge is trying to find out who is guilty of their crimes. In the movie “Sully” the pilot was in a situation where he needed to land the plane on water as an emergency landing. In court, they had different witnesses and victims to testify for the court case. This was a very similar situation to when Reverend Hale and minister Parris interrogates Abigail and Tituba.