Archive of ‘Language and literature’ category

Poem Remix

Garden variety
Come up smelling of roses
Let the grass grow around your feet
Glid the lily
Primrose Path
Mighty oaks from little acorns
No bed of roses
Knock on wood
Hit the hay

Song Poem
Million Reasons
Love yourself
Scars to your beautiful
Rolling in the deep
Send my love
One more night
Beautiful now
Inside out
Missing you
Hate you love you
All we know

Slogan Poem
Have it your way
It’s the real thing
Think outside the bun
Save Money, Live better
The happiest place on earth
Keep walking
The best a men can get

Bias on media summative


Bias: In the text it specifically says “This Mother’s Day” which is say cleaning is a job for moms and not dads. This shows bias that moms are the person who cooks and clean the house and dads are supposed to work and earn money. This bias affect the media by showing dads can’t or aren’t suppose to cook and clean at home.



TV show
Bias: The main character casey is trained as a spy and her friend thought if she was surprised she would go “Jackie chan on the Guest”. This shows bias when she used used Jackie chan as an example to fighting. In the movie most martial arts roles are played by chinese or asian men, I think this can get people to believe that asian people can do martial arts better than white people. This bias affect the media by showing that most Chinese men in movie only play martial art roles.

Bias: Casey’s friend lied about her math test score, when she didn’t get a high score and Casey seemed surprised. This showed bias when blondes in movies plays a character that’s not smart. This gets people to believe that pretty blonde girls aren’t smart. This affects the media by showing blondes aren’t smart and is only pretty.

Bias: When Casey’s friend recommended to her to wear a dress to the party, Casey pressed the brake hard which is a sign on not liking the suggestion. This shows bias that tomboys don’t wear dresses or don’t look pretty. This affects the media by showing tomboy don’t wear dresses or aren’t suppose to wear dresses.

Bias happens in a lot of different media, for example in music videos and TV shows they use bias that teenagers worry about more in modern days. In ads and commercials they talk more about their opinion about a product and try to change they way people believe in things.

After this unit I view media in a different way because I learned that the bias in media is often based off of different people’s opinion, and I should view media in my own point of view.

On each side of the drawing there is a boy’s head and a girl’s head. On the girls side there is a pink background with words around the head that describes how society think or describe girls, and on the other side there is a boy’s head with a blue background and with words that society think or describe the boys. The difference of each side is that the words on the girls side make them sound weak and vulnerable. On the boys side the words makes them sound strong, rich and powerful. Media put genders in a category that limits their capability to work equality as a group or society.

Investigative Journalism Climate change

Climate change
Evelyn Chao 9/25/16

Climate change has been a problem for many years. The earth’s average temperature has risen by 1.5F over the past century.It’s predicted to rise another 0.5-8.6F over the next hundred years. Small changes of the average Earth temperature can lead to big dangerous shifts in climate and weather. There is evidence on global temperatures affecting weather and climate. Changes in rainfall causing more floods, drought, or intense rain as well as more frequent heat waves. Oceans are also warming up, sea levels is rising. These are changes becoming more recognized in the coming decade, and will likely bring problems to the environment and society.

Who is causing this?
Humans has released a great amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouses gases into the atmosphere. Most of the greenhouse gases come from burning fossil fuels to produce energy. Deforestation and industrial processes also addes gas into the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases traps energy in the atmosphere to cause it to warm These gases can build up and make the earth warmer and warmer.

How can this affect human health
Climate change can result into dangerous effects to human health. Heat waves are very dangerous especially for young kids, or elders that are already sick. This can cause things like heat cramps, heat stroke or even death. In fact in 2003 a heat wave in Europe caused 50,000 death,s, and I’m 1995 more than 600 death were caused in Chicago.

Air pollutant
Asthma or any lung conditions can be made worse by ozone or other certain air pollutants. There is a good ozone and bad ozone. Good ozone helps protect life on earth from the sun’s ray. Bad ozone is the main thing that makes harmful breathing. This is created with pollutant going through chemical reactions in the atmosphere. Creating more ozone is likely because the temperature is warming.

Spreading disease
Insects like mosquitoes carry disease, putting many people at risk. Mosquitoes can survive in hot, humid places, expanding their lifespan.

How can we help?
We can make a difference by reducing greenhouse gases and walking or riding a bike to school work etc. This can save money can improve your health. You can also get involved on supporting energy efficiency, clean energy programs or other climate programs. There is many things we can do on a daily routine. For example recycle, save energy with lights or dishwasher. Save warm water, it takes a lot of energy to warm up water. Try to participate in this, and save our earth.


Microbeads are little toxic beads in face washes or body scrubs. These beads goes down the sink and into the sea. Fishes see these beads as food and eat them. This causes the fishes to die. When a big amount of these fish die it affects the food chain including us as humans. There is many different replacements for these microbead. This is a change some cosmetic companies are making.

Social media

Teenagers spend most of their time on social media. Teenagers can communicate by social media. They can also meet new people which is dangerous but also a good way for people to meet each other. It’s dangerous because you don’t meet them in person and they are strangers they could be nice or rude.There is good and bad on having social media, for example instagram and facebook if too much personal information about yourself people will know a lot about you. There are also bullies that comment mean things on your post.


Pollution is a issue worldwide, it happens in many country and is a problem people are trying to solve. There is many ways of pollution like throwing trash on the streets, driving can also pollute the air or leaving toxic plastics in the ocean that can harm animals, and affect the food chain. Pollution can also cause natural disaster. Recycling is a good way to reuse things and stop pollution.

The couple on the street


There was 2 old people on the streets. They were a couple trying to cross the street. The grandma looked like she had more trouble walking. The grandma was walking slow and the grandpa noticed the grandma was having trouble walking, and they had to walk faster because they were running out of time and the light was turning red. He stoped and walk back to the grandma and helped her. They ended up walking together.

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