Bias on media summative


Bias: In the text it specifically says “This Mother’s Day” which is say cleaning is a job for moms and not dads. This shows bias that moms are the person who cooks and clean the house and dads are supposed to work and earn money. This bias affect the media by showing dads can’t or aren’t suppose to cook and clean at home.



TV show
Bias: The main character casey is trained as a spy and her friend thought if she was surprised she would go “Jackie chan on the Guest”. This shows bias when she used used Jackie chan as an example to fighting. In the movie most martial arts roles are played by chinese or asian men, I think this can get people to believe that asian people can do martial arts better than white people. This bias affect the media by showing that most Chinese men in movie only play martial art roles.

Bias: Casey’s friend lied about her math test score, when she didn’t get a high score and Casey seemed surprised. This showed bias when blondes in movies plays a character that’s not smart. This gets people to believe that pretty blonde girls aren’t smart. This affects the media by showing blondes aren’t smart and is only pretty.

Bias: When Casey’s friend recommended to her to wear a dress to the party, Casey pressed the brake hard which is a sign on not liking the suggestion. This shows bias that tomboys don’t wear dresses or don’t look pretty. This affects the media by showing tomboy don’t wear dresses or aren’t suppose to wear dresses.

Bias happens in a lot of different media, for example in music videos and TV shows they use bias that teenagers worry about more in modern days. In ads and commercials they talk more about their opinion about a product and try to change they way people believe in things.

After this unit I view media in a different way because I learned that the bias in media is often based off of different people’s opinion, and I should view media in my own point of view.

On each side of the drawing there is a boy’s head and a girl’s head. On the girls side there is a pink background with words around the head that describes how society think or describe girls, and on the other side there is a boy’s head with a blue background and with words that society think or describe the boys. The difference of each side is that the words on the girls side make them sound weak and vulnerable. On the boys side the words makes them sound strong, rich and powerful. Media put genders in a category that limits their capability to work equality as a group or society.

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