A little glimpse of Poetry

I think the main difference between these 2 poems are that “highwayman” was a very hard poem for me to understand and “phenomenal women” had a clear statement on what the poem was about. They both are writing about their love for themselves and for others. It also writes about people judging them, like in phenomenal women she describes how men would look at her, and in highwayman people don’t like him because he is a bad guy so they try to kill his loved one, Bess.

Life is like a camera
focus on what you love
and capture the memories
Learn from your mistake and if it doesn’t work out
Just take another shot

Life requires happiness and love
it’s what give life purpose and meaning
So try new things
smile more
Don’t let fear be a limit to your happiness

Life is a chance
to learn
lo love
to dream
to inspire

My hope poem
My hope feels like butterflies in by bones
My hope tastes like vomit in my throat
My hope looks like a big cloudy sky
My hope smells like fresh air up in the sky
My hope sounds like heavy wind flying by
My hope is to conquer my fear of heights

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