My Pirate Story.

A Pirate’s Message

By:Evelyn Chao


My name is Barnacle and if you are reading this it means that I am already dead.I am writing this message because I have a hidden my treasure on Danger Island and if you are lucky, you can follow my map and instructions and maybe good fortune will be fall on you, but be careful , this journey won’t be a easy one. First let me tell you about myself so that my legacy lives on.

          Now I will tell you about myself. As you know my name is Barnacle and I am born on November 1 in 1520 in France.

          The island is located at France and Spain. There is 10 danger sea it is danger because there is wild animal that live in the sea.

         If you are brave enough to try and find my buried treasure, you will not be disappointed. In the middle of Paris and Spain there is a big big big sea and on the sand of is a small boat and if you lift it up you will see the treasure but be careful the animal mite jump out.




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