Unit 2: Dec 12, 2017

This second unit that students created was one that tested their creativity and thinking out of the box. I am always amazed at the work and dedication that students put into creating their projects.

Students are expected to read, in English, every night. Unless I have assigned reading or other homework, the reading is their choice. They should be reading about 20-30 mins a day.

Photo on Visual hunt


This was a reading unit for both years. Throughout the unit they read their respective books, completed roles for their groups, participated in several discussions, and wrote an analysis, TIEA paragraph. There was a summative discussion and TIEA paragraph along with a project.

Photo on Visualhunt.com

Year 2 (G7)

During this unit Year 2 students read a graphic novel dealing with teenage woes and mishaps. Each book dealt with a typical teenage character and the mishaps of her life.  Students completed several practice analysis paragraphs and group discussions on the book. They had a final paragraph and discussion. As the last summative project for this unit, students created their own story dealing with teenage woes. They used Powtoons to create and animate this story using graphic novel techniques.

Year 2 Student Work (G7) KAS

Photo by gfpeck on Visualhunt.com / CC BY-ND

Year 3 (G8)

Year 3 students read novels dealing with equity and advocacy. In each book, there were issues that the characters in the novels had to stand up for. We had a mini lesson on the difference between equity and equality and why both are important. Students wrote an analysis paragraph and participated in a group discussion of their book. Students then chose to create a media PSA through a variety of project types based on a topic from their book.

Year 3 Student Work (G8) KAS

Photo on VisualHunt.com

Thank you so much for all you you do to help your student(s) be successful. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or praise, please let me know.


It’s the last day of school. While the break is welcome, I will miss all the students over the holiday. I hope that you enjoy this time with family/friends, and I wish it to be full of laughter and love. May this break allow the students to be rejuvenated and refreshed for the next semester. Please email me with any questions, comments, concerns, or praises.


Students do have winter homework for me. They have a magazine to read and complete all the writing requirements for it. Also, they should continue their independent reading.


Photo Credit: David Portelli via Compfight cc
Photo Credit: David Portelli via Compfight cc

The 7th graders played detective as they attempted to research and “solve” an unsolved mystery. I am truly amazed at the products they accomplished. They completed research, learned how to cite within text, keep track of a bibliography, draw conclusions and create their own theory, and then wrote a fiction story about their unsolved mysteries.

Their work is published on their blogs. Please take a look and a leave a comment or four on a few students’ work.

7th Grade Blogs

Please find your child’s name and check out his/her work.


Photo Credit: changefusion via Compfight cc
Photo Credit: changefusion via Compfight cc

The 8th graders finished a unit on cultural stories. They examined urban legends, mythology, original fairytales, and proverbs from around the world. Each student tended to have a favorite genre that they felt a connection. After researching and reading a variety of texts from around the world, student had the freedom to choose which type of cultural story he/she wanted to create.

Some of their urban legends were super creepy.

Check out their proverbs too! Such wisdom for life was written by them.

8th Grade Blogs

Please find your child’s name and check out his/her work.

Thank you for all that you do to support your child and the learning that takes place in my classroom. That support helps out in ways that I cannot find enough words to express my gratitude.