New School Year 8-22-16

Sylvia DuckWorth

The first week of school was such a success. Students came back excited and prepared to learn. I am looking forward to working with you and your child(ren).  I really liked the photo above as it truly describes what it takes to be successful. The hardest parts are the ones we face that many may never notice. I want to encourage the students to have all the qualities that many people don’t see. Those are the things that will help them to be successful, not just in school, but life.

In order to help the school year progress nicely, I do have a few expectations. They can be found on the classroom expectations page. One of the major skills that middle school students need to cultivate is time management. Assignments are not always due the next day. Therefore students need to prioritize their time to ensure that work is turned in on time. If you are curious to know more about me,  it can be found on Ms. Marcum’s Mind page on my blog.

Citation: Francine Massue.
Citation: Francine Massue.

I have sent out the invitations for Google Classroom. Please check your email for this information. 

Last week we worked on building a class community as well as ensuring the school year will go smoothly. We are continuing that this week while also gearing up to be active learners who are also self reflective. We will continually refer to digital citizenship, academic honesty (citing sources & collaboration), as well focusing on Oral, Written, and Visual Communication for MYP.

In order for students to successfully learn a language, they need to read a minimum of 20 minutes (in English) everyday including the weekend. I do not typically dictate what they read, unless it is a class novel or other text assigned by me, except that it has to be in English. Please encourage your child(ren) to choose something that they enjoy to read.

As a reminder, we do practice English first. That means that students are communicating in English unless requesting further instructions from the teacher.

Here is one of our first assignments. Students were challenged to create a 6 word story. I must admit, I am quite impressed.

Thank you in advance for all that you to help your child(ren) be successful. This year will be wonderful as you, myself, and the student work together.

Thank You