
Words cannot express how excited I am for this new year! I can’t wait to work with you and your child(ren). In order to make a successful year, I do have a few expectations. The most important ones can be found on my class expectations page. It is really important that students have time management skills. As assignments are not always, or even usually due the next day, students need to ensure they are turning work in on time.

Throughout this week, we have been working on the basics for doing well in English class and getting the year set up so that the transition is smooth. Next week we will continue working on how to turn in assignments, what blogs and vlogs should look like, citing and digital citizenship as well as reminding them of my expectations.

And if you want to a little more about me, just click here.

In order for students to be successful in my class, they need to read a minimum of 30 minutes (in English) everyday including the weekend. I do not dictate what they read except that it has to be in English. Please encourage your child(ren) to choose something that they enjoy to read. They can choose a magazine, novel, comic, or nonfiction. As long as they are reading, I am not particular about what they choose.

Thank you in advance for all that you to help your child(ren) be successful. This year will be wonderful as you, myself, and the student work together.