Week 9

Students are working very diligently and meeting the expectations put before them. I cannot continue to stress how much your support means to the students and myself. I greatly appreciate the involvement. As always, please email me with any questions, comments, concerns, or praises. I welcome your communication.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

  • There will be sign up sheet located on the door for you to select the time that would work best for you.
  • Conferences are scheduled for 10 minutes. Please be advised, if needed, another conference may be required to discuss major concerns.
  • Conference times are from 8:00-11:30 and 12:30-4:00.

I will update the blog and resend an email should there be any changes. I look forward to seeing everyone on Friday. Have an amazing week!

Week 8

The first quarter is over and I am beyond impressed with the dedication of students and parents. Students have been working very diligently and parents have been super supportive. It has been a great first quarter.


Students should be reading every night. They will not improve their reading if they are not practicing. My only requirements are the book is AR, it is not too difficult or too easy, and the student enjoys it.

I do not accept late work. I understand absences and emergencies, but not negligence. I work very hard to give students ample time to complete their assignments outside of class. I expect them to be responsible and turn it in with the time frame provided.

If a student has turned in an assignment incorrectly, I will post a comment on Edmodo asking them to fix it. If they do not fix it in a timely manner because they are not reading my comments, I will not change their grade.  Again, it goes back to be responsible and owning their education.

I always tell my students that I expect their best. Therefore, I do not allow extra credit work. If a student completes all their assignments and puts 100% of their effort into it while following the directions and criteria, their grade will reflect that accomplishment.

My last reminder is concerning students getting help from others or tutors. I am all for students improving their work. However, pleas help me to ensure that the work is from the students and not from someone who is helping them.


Students updated their vocabulary presentations in Google Drive. They are added the new vocabulary we are discussing and finding examples to support the definitions. We continued our focus on reading non-fiction using the THIEVES strategy. It allows them to gather the information from a non-fiction text before, during, and after reading. It is a strategy that works well with other school subjects especially Science and History. The students continue to improve their writing with practice and increased vocabulary.

Royal Readers

7A-Angela 103, Rita 34

7G- Estella 71, Jenny 62

8B-William 49, Amelia 46

8E-Daniel 90, William 61

8F-Kevin 34, Kelly 31

Week 7

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival or Moon Festival. I am not sure if there is a difference, but I have seen the festival referred to using both.

Your support and communication ensures that the students are successful. Please email me with any questions, comments, or concerns.

Seventh Grade:

We focused on writing this week. Specifically, we worked on improving our sentences and persuasive essay writing. Students created notes from a persuasive writing powerpoint and some writing requirements that I expect from the. Then, they began their writing prompt concerning backpacks in the classroom. We will be continuing the writing focus as the students work on finishing their first persuasive essay and begin another essay for their assessment.

Eighth Grade:

We examined the differences between reading fiction and non-fiction. Students created a foldable for the strategy THIEVES. Part of reading non-fiction is gathering information. The THIEVES strategy is not just for English class. It works really well for Science and Social Studies classes as the majority of their text are non-fiction. Students are continuing their work for their Figurative Language project. I am really excited to see what they will produce.