
At this point, we are half way through the second quarter. That means we are almost at the end of the semester. The year seems to be passing so quickly. I hope everyone is enjoying it as much as I am. As the saying goes, time flies when you are having fun.  I am so thankful to have amazing students and wonderful, supportive parents. Thank you so much for all the ways you enable the students to be successful. Please, email me any questions, comments, concerns, or praises.



Blogs: Students keep a school blog and post many assignments. I want you to have access to the work being accomplished. Remember, you do NOT need a login to make a comment on their work. All you need to do is fill out the comment section under a specific blog post. Below is the document students use to make sure they are commenting and blogging correctly. We will spend some time reviewing this and revising older posts.

Blog Posts & Commenting Expectations

How To Access Student Blogs:

  1. Go to KAS home page
  2. Click on Quick Links
  3. Click on KAS blogs
  4. Click on their Grade
  5. Find their English name

I am adding the links below for 7th and 8th grade. Please read their work and use the commenting practices that they will be using in class. This will give you great insight into their academic blogging world for English.

Grade 7

Grade 8

DGP: Students received their previous DGP work completed in class. Students will have a DGP quiz before the Thanksgiving holiday. Everything they need to know is on their graded work. They should be  studying their notes as well as their graded assignments.


Students have been researching an unsolved mystery for Mystery Month. They are working on their books that will give facts and details about their research. It will include their own conclusions that they made about their mystery. Some may even include a fictional story about their mystery. This will be their first unit being assessed by the MYP criteria. They will complete a reflection after their books are complete. They will be due before the Thanksgiving holiday.


Students spent many terrifying hours reading and discussing urban legends for Spooktober. They have been working on their own urban legends which they created and wrote. They made posters to promote their urban legends. They will be doing a voice recording of their legends. This will be completed sometime in the next week and before Thanksgiving holiday.