
I find it really difficult to believe that there is only a little over six weeks left for this school year. I know I have stated it before, but this year seemed to happen very quickly. Thank you for all the support you have given to ensure the success of the students. It takes everyone working together to make a great team.


  1. Students must read for 30 minutes every day. There are plenty of resources for students to utilize in finding the best book. This assignment is difficult to check even though I can usually tell which students are not reading like they should.
  2. Students have a minimum of 1 assignment due every week. Sometimes, they have a few. It is imperative that students are using time management for their school assignments.
  3. English first. Students should be using English to communicate in all their classes. As with anything, students will not improve unless they practice.

Please continue to keep the lines of communication open. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or praises, please email me. Thank you for all that you do.

*Parent/Teacher conferences are going to be this Friday. I look forward to seeing each of you.

Schedule per Mr. Dery:

8:00AM – 10:30AM

12:30PM – 4:00PM

7th Grade

We have been reading The Giver and completing a variety of activities to ensure comprehension. We have had discussions as well as written assignments. I am not sure if you heard, but we also had our “Ceremony of the Twelves”. Please ask them about their ceremony. I am sure they will have stories to tell. My wish would be for students to actually input more into our discussions. Some students shy aware from sharing, and I hope to encourage them to take those risks. Students will be completing a final project for this novel. I cannot wait to see how creative students will be. I will not reveal their final project as they do not yet know what it is.

*For Ms. Gilbert’s class as well.

8th Grade

Students just finished a short unit on dialogue. Students watched Pixar Shorts and used them to create internal and external dialogue. Pixar Shorts are mini movies, but most do not contain any dialogue or conversation between characters. Students had to imagine what each character was thinking as well as what he/she would say to the other character. Then, they wrote out the actual story for each short. They posted their writing on their blog. Ask them to show it to you. This week students watched several book trailers to determine what makes them good. Students have chosen their book and have worked on a plan for their own book trailer. I cannot wait to see what amazing trailers they produce.


We are three quarters of the way through the year. Students are moving along quite nicely. We only have one quarter left. Nine weeks and for me, it doesn’t seem like that long of time. A few reminders so that the students are continuing to be successful.

  1. Students must read for 30 minutes every day.
  2. Students have a minimum of 1 assignment due every week. Sometimes, they have a few. It is imperative that students are using time management for their school assignments.
  3. Sleep is extremely important. Students should be getting a minimum of 8 hours asleep every night. I am noticing more and more that students are up late turning in assignments into the early morning hours.
  4. Nutrition and Exercise are also very important. Students need these to be well balanced and healthy.
  5. English first. Students should be using English to communicate in all their classes. As with anything, students will not improve unless they practice.

I truly appreciate all that parents have done to help ensure this year is successful. Please continue to keep the lines of communication open. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or praises, please email me. Thank you for all that we do.

I hope that everyone enjoys this time off. Be safe in any of your travels and enjoy this time together.

7th Grade

Students have been researching environmental issues and created a PSA (Public Service Announcement). These projects turned out amazing. I was really impressed with them. They focused on the research aspect, citing their work, as well as bringing awareness to environmental issues and how we, as humans, can make the world a better place. We only have one Earth, and we need to cherish it.

8th Grade

Students have been practicing dramatic reading. My goal was to get students comfortable with projecting their voices, having a stage presences, and reading with emotion. While I feel that we have a long way to go, students are definitely improving. I understand this concept can be a little difficult for them. However, I do hope they continue to attempt to get out of their comfort zone. They completed their monologues and they went really well. I am really proud of how much they have grown over the last month.

Last week students students also turned in their Greek Mythology books. I was thrilled at the amount of effort that was spent on these projects. Students did an amazing job gathering information by research, citing their work, and creating images of each of the characters. I was very impressed with their final project.



I hope that everyone enjoyed spending time with their family and had safe travels during the new year holiday. I cannot stress how thankful I am to work with amazing, supportive parents. Thank you for all that you do to help ensure the student(s) success.


This week students worked on resizing their photos for their blog as well as citing the source of their picture. They are limited with the amount of storage space on their blogs. Citing is an important part of their work so that credit is given to those who earned it.

Students were told before holiday that they are expected to take a quiz on the novel they are reading every two weeks. They took their first one today and are expected to take another one in two weeks. They are allowed to take them more often, but it is essential that they are finishing a novel by the two week deadline.

On aspect that I wish all my students to improve upon is academic risk taking and asking questions. We are over half way through the year, and I feel that the students are still not comfortable volunteering, presenting, and taking educational risks. Students often write about the importance of getting out of their comfort zone, but I wonder if that is because it is what they think I want to hear. Please encourage them to take academic risks that will allow them to grow and learn. Again, thank  you for all your support!

Here is a link for “5 Habits of Successful Students“. It was a great read found in the Washington Post.

7th Grade

Next week, we will begin our study on environmental issues. Students will be completing a PSA (Public Service Announcement) to bring awareness to their issue.

*This is for Ms. Gilbert’s class as well.

8th Grade

Students are working on drama/plays. Our focus during this time is voice projection, reading with emotions/confidence, and eventually putting on a performance of some kind.


Welcome back! I hope that everyone had a lovely break. The students and I have began this second semester in full swing. I cannot wait to see what this semester will entail. I am sure it will just as amazing as the first.


  1. There is a no late work policy for 7th and 8th grade English. Students are given ample time to complete assignments.
  2. Reading should be completed every night.
  3. Students should be studying their DGP and DRP for 10 minutes a day throughout the week.
  4. Weekly blog posts are due on Fridays.
  5. Vocabulary blog posts are due on Wednesdays.
  6. Talent show will be on February 1, 2013. Students will receive a performance grade for this activity.
  7. Honor Roll assembly January 22, 2013.

Thank you for all of your support and dedication to your child’s education. All your hard work is greatly appreciated.

Seventh Grade

Last week, students used their game projects as a review activity for the novel Stargirl. Several projects were exceptionally created that included great questions for reviewing. I appreciate the effort that students put into this project. The students are creating their own reading strategies based on what good readers do before, during, and after. We will begin our unit on Loyalty this week.

(This includes Ms. Gilbert’s class as well.)

Eighth Grade

The students completed a project of their choice for their independent novel. Several projects were impressive and showed the time and effort that students used to complete these. The students are creating their own reading strategies based on what good readers do before, during, and after. We will begin our unit on Mythology this week.


It is still difficult to believe that the semester is coming to a close. It has been a great first semester, and I am looking forward to all the students will learn and accomplish next semester. I hope that everyone has a lovely break while spending time with family. Be safe during any travels. Thank you for all of your support. It has been a wonderful experience to work with such amazing parents.

Royal Readers

A. Angela Chen 217, Migo 46

B. William Chen 118, Johnathan 110

E. Daniel Fan 137, William Chiu 74

F. Prudence 43, Brian 38

G. Estella 103, Jenny 67

Seventh Grade

Seventh graders finished up their folklores around the world. After finding a folklore retold in three different countries, they had to rewrite it, make it modern, and have the setting in Taiwan. Then, the students had to animate their story. Over the break, students have a novel and project to complete. Students have already been given the book earlier this week.


Over winter break, you will be reading the book Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli.

You will have two things to complete relating to this book.

1. Say Something
You will keep a “Say Something” record on PAPER. This record will include from 2-4 Predictions, Questions, Clarifications, Comments or Connections per chapter. Make sure you label your entries as to what chapter they belong to.

2. Game
After reading the book, you will make a game board about the story. It is up to you how you create the game. You can model it on a game that you have played before or you can invent your own. Games will be graded by playing them, so make sure that you give specific directions, correct answers and your peers will be able to understand how to play. (When others are playing your game, you will not be able to give directions.)

Your game needs:

  • a game board
  • questions (and answers) about the story
  • Instructions and rules on how to play the game
  • All pieces for playing the game need to be included

No digital projects.

Both parts of the projects are due on January 14, 2013.

Eighth Grade

Eighth graders just finished their project based learning of their own topical units. The students chose their area to study, final project, and ending with a reflection of learning. They put forth a lot of hard work and effort. Over the break, students have a novel and project to complete. Students are assigned to different groups and they will be doing a discussion on Edmodo and choosing a final project.

Choose one of the following for your final project.


DEAR _____: Retell the novel through a series of letters to and responses from advice columnist (Ann Landers, Abby, etc.). The letters can be from one character or from many. The responses from the advice columnist are your ( the reader) reactions to the events of the story. Be creative. Make up your own column!

MISSING IN ACTION: The main character of you novel is missing. Develop a missing person’s folder for the police department. Include interviews with key characters, clues concerning the missing person, and an official police report form. Use information from the novel as well as creative imagination to put the file together; compile all the pieces into a manila folder or file.

SCRAPBOOK MEMORIES: Create a scrapbook for the main character based upon the novel. The scrapbook could contain pictures, mementos, postcards, etc. that detail the story. Each item in the scrapbook should have a note saying why it appears in the scrapbook. The book should also be in chronological order. Make it colorful and creative.

SONG REMAKE: Take the words to a song that you know (Brady Bunch, Looney Tunes, etc.) and replace them with words to match your story. Include names of characters, main events, setting, etc.

LIMERICK: Write a limerick for each main character in your book, and present them to the class. Follow the correct format.

TANGRAMS: Tangrams are ancient Chinese puzzles used to tell stories. Use tangram pieces to summarize the beginning, middle, and end of your story. For example, if the beginning of your story takes place on a boat you might create a boat out of the tangrams.

SHOP ‘TIL YOU DROP: A new mall is being developed and it is built along a special theme. The mall will be based on the main characters. All the stores in the mall will be connected to the main characters in some way. Design a 3-D layout of the mall, write a short brochure describing each store or business, and develop a flyer for the grand opening of the mall. Your mall should have at least ten different businesses in it.

DIORAMA: Create a model or diorama of the setting of your book using natural materials such as sticks and grass. Use detail!

No digital projects.


It will be winter holiday break before we know it. I wanted to update everyone the conversations that have taken place at school concerning exams. Middle school will not be  following the exam schedule and will have a full regular school week. For English, there will not be an exam, but students will have a DGP quiz to complete without notes.

Per Mr. Dery:

The philosophy of the exam does not follow Middle School philosophy.  Students need to understand that regular tests, quizzes, projects, presentations, etc will continue to be assessment methods used by teachers to measure their academic growth and understanding of what they are learning.

The last week of school in December will be a regular school week, full day of classes just like the rest of the school year for all middle school students. The only students who will be dismissed after exams will be our high school students.

*This includes Ms. Gilbert’s 7th grade class.

Seventh Grade

Students began studying oral traditions and folklore. The focus is on theme and traditions around the world. The students will be expected to complete a final unit project for this lesson.

Eighth Grade

Students are in the process of creating their own topical study. The requirements include a text about their topic, a final project, and written essay.


As we just celebrated Thanksgiving, one major aspect of KAS that I am thankful for is the support and encouragement I am receiving from parents. Thank you for your hard work, dedication, and support to ensure that the students are receiving a great education. It is a pleasure to work with each of you.

Students need to be reading nightly in order to truly improve upon their reading skills. The DGP (Daily Grammar Practice) notes should be studied 10 minutes a day. Students should study only one section per day.

Monday-Study Monday notes only. Tuesday-Study Tuesday notes only. Wednesday-Study Wednesday notes only. Thursday-Study Thursday notes only. Friday-Study Appendix B.

Seventh Grade

Students are finishing up our introduction to poetry. THE MIC is a new strategy to help students analyze and evaluate a poem. Students completed a poetry scavenger hunt where they were given anthologies in which they used to identify different aspects of poems.

Eighth Grade

Students are working on a specific type of poetry called Spoken Word. Spoken Word poems are created for performance. Students are using a variety of figurative language that portray their topic. This is a very different style of writing compared to writing paragraphs. It requires students to think outside of the box and state something without directly stating it. Students will be expected to memorize and perform their poems. The students also learned a new strategy for analyzing and evaluating poetry called TPCASTT. It requires students to delve deeper into the meaning of the text and use higher level thinking skills.


The midterm exam is coming up in about three weeks. Students will have three different types of text. Fiction, non-fiction, and poetry will be assessed through multiply choice. The different types of questions will include, mood, author’s purpose, characterization, theme, comparison, context clues, tone, and analogies. They will have a vocabulary section. Also, they will be given a sentence in which they will use their knowledge of DGP to complete all four days without notes.

The format for the both grades are same. However, the text, text levels, and questions are appropriate to the individual grade level.

*The exam includes students who have Ms. Gilbert as well.


October is one of my favorites months because I love Halloween. It is just a fun and interesting time especially when it comes to literature. I hope that the students have been sharing with you what we have been studying in class.

Seventh Grade

The seventh graders continued to focus on non-fiction with a spooky twists. They covered topics such as ghosts, poltergeist, haunted houses, creepy castles, Loch Ness monster, Bermuda Triangle, and other mysterious unknowns. They examined text features and how to gather the information. For their final project, they are completing trading cards for the facts they gathered.

Eighth Grade

The eighth graders revisited plot, characters, and setting as well as the mood of the story. The focus was on urban legends. It was very interesting to see their reactions as we read a variety of stories dealing with different legends. For their project, they created their own urban legends, a poster advertising their legends, and will be creating an audio version of the students reading their legends.

As you can see, we have been hard at work. Please email if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or praises. I always welcome communication. Thank you for all your support.

Week 9

Students are working very diligently and meeting the expectations put before them. I cannot continue to stress how much your support means to the students and myself. I greatly appreciate the involvement. As always, please email me with any questions, comments, concerns, or praises. I welcome your communication.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

  • There will be sign up sheet located on the door for you to select the time that would work best for you.
  • Conferences are scheduled for 10 minutes. Please be advised, if needed, another conference may be required to discuss major concerns.
  • Conference times are from 8:00-11:30 and 12:30-4:00.

I will update the blog and resend an email should there be any changes. I look forward to seeing everyone on Friday. Have an amazing week!

Week 8

The first quarter is over and I am beyond impressed with the dedication of students and parents. Students have been working very diligently and parents have been super supportive. It has been a great first quarter.


Students should be reading every night. They will not improve their reading if they are not practicing. My only requirements are the book is AR, it is not too difficult or too easy, and the student enjoys it.

I do not accept late work. I understand absences and emergencies, but not negligence. I work very hard to give students ample time to complete their assignments outside of class. I expect them to be responsible and turn it in with the time frame provided.

If a student has turned in an assignment incorrectly, I will post a comment on Edmodo asking them to fix it. If they do not fix it in a timely manner because they are not reading my comments, I will not change their grade.  Again, it goes back to be responsible and owning their education.

I always tell my students that I expect their best. Therefore, I do not allow extra credit work. If a student completes all their assignments and puts 100% of their effort into it while following the directions and criteria, their grade will reflect that accomplishment.

My last reminder is concerning students getting help from others or tutors. I am all for students improving their work. However, pleas help me to ensure that the work is from the students and not from someone who is helping them.


Students updated their vocabulary presentations in Google Drive. They are added the new vocabulary we are discussing and finding examples to support the definitions. We continued our focus on reading non-fiction using the THIEVES strategy. It allows them to gather the information from a non-fiction text before, during, and after reading. It is a strategy that works well with other school subjects especially Science and History. The students continue to improve their writing with practice and increased vocabulary.

Royal Readers

7A-Angela 103, Rita 34

7G- Estella 71, Jenny 62

8B-William 49, Amelia 46

8E-Daniel 90, William 61

8F-Kevin 34, Kelly 31