
We are three quarters of the way through the year. Students are moving along quite nicely. We only have one quarter left. Nine weeks and for me, it doesn’t seem like that long of time. A few reminders so that the students are continuing to be successful.

  1. Students must read for 30 minutes every day.
  2. Students have a minimum of 1 assignment due every week. Sometimes, they have a few. It is imperative that students are using time management for their school assignments.
  3. Sleep is extremely important. Students should be getting a minimum of 8 hours asleep every night. I am noticing more and more that students are up late turning in assignments into the early morning hours.
  4. Nutrition and Exercise are also very important. Students need these to be well balanced and healthy.
  5. English first. Students should be using English to communicate in all their classes. As with anything, students will not improve unless they practice.

I truly appreciate all that parents have done to help ensure this year is successful. Please continue to keep the lines of communication open. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or praises, please email me. Thank you for all that we do.

I hope that everyone enjoys this time off. Be safe in any of your travels and enjoy this time together.

7th Grade

Students have been researching environmental issues and created a PSA (Public Service Announcement). These projects turned out amazing. I was really impressed with them. They focused on the research aspect, citing their work, as well as bringing awareness to environmental issues and how we, as humans, can make the world a better place. We only have one Earth, and we need to cherish it.

8th Grade

Students have been practicing dramatic reading. My goal was to get students comfortable with projecting their voices, having a stage presences, and reading with emotion. While I feel that we have a long way to go, students are definitely improving. I understand this concept can be a little difficult for them. However, I do hope they continue to attempt to get out of their comfort zone. They completed their monologues and they went really well. I am really proud of how much they have grown over the last month.

Last week students students also turned in their Greek Mythology books. I was thrilled at the amount of effort that was spent on these projects. Students did an amazing job gathering information by research, citing their work, and creating images of each of the characters. I was very impressed with their final project.


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Life is a natural school, and I want to be as knowledgeable as possible. Therefore, I want to live my life to the fullest and view everyday as an adventure. It doesn't get any better than reading, viewing, or listening to a great story. "I must say that I find television very educational. The minute somebody turns it on, I go to the library and read a book." ~Groucho Marx "There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island." ~Walt Disney "We read to know we are not alone." ~C.S. Lewis "Any book that helps a child to form a habit of reading, to make reading one of his deep and continuing needs, is good for him." ~ Maya Angelou "It is not true we have only one life to live, if we can read, we can live as many lives and as many kinds of lives as we wish." ~S.I. Hayakawa

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