Purposeful Personal Portfolio 3: Academic Dishonesty

You may be wondering why academic dishonesty is considered a serious issue in every school.  Academic dishonesty involves cheating on the test, plagiarism, or even copy and paste from a site to your own work is considered as a violation of the academic honesty policy. Many students thought that the consequences of violating the academic […]

Relationship & Identity of Sunny Lewin

In this blog post, I will be discussing the relationship and identity of Sunny Lewin, the main character in the book Sunny Side Up by Jennifer & Matthew Holm. As this story went along, she developed several important relationships between her family and her trip to Florida that have shaped her identity and defined who […]

Figurative Language in Music… What???

What??? Figurative language in music? Yes, almost every song has some figurative language inside by the songwriter(s) to show its meaning of the lyrics. In this video, we selected 8 songs and analyzed them with all kinds of figurative language inside. Thanks Anderson for creating this amazing video! It looked great.