Poetry – 15 Min of Fame: Summative Report

The poetry unit, overall, was the funnest unit of all times. We created a bunch of interesting poems, and analyzed figurative language in music recently. For the summative, I created 2 poems, 1 about my hope and 1 on inspirational poem. Recordings are also included. I hope that these poems will let you enjoy the world of poetry.

1. 2 Inspirational Poem Annotation

2. 2 TIEAS on those 2 poems

a. Remember

In “Remember,” Joy Harjo used a lot of repetitions to emphasize the word “remember” so that readers will be inspired to take good care of everything nearby, including their parents and every living organisms living on this planet. Every people has the responsibility to care for our beautiful planet and the organisms that live inside; we don’t want it to collapse.

Remember the plants, trees, animal life who all have their

tribes, their families, their histories too…

Remember you are this universe and this

universe is you. (14-15, 21-22)

Harjo portrayed the global issue of global warming through euphemism in this poem, signifying that not many people cared for our planet and other organisms living on the planet. Since humans are now the most populated species on Earth, thus we are responsible for saving the planet and the future of other living things. That’s what scientists care about today. What people is doing right now is destroying our Earth with bunch of pollution. Remember the importance of our planet will allow people to care more about the environment surrounding us and not ruin its beauty.

Citation: Harjo, Joy. “Remember.” Poets.org. 1951. Web. 17 April 2018.

b. When Giving is All We Have

In “When Giving Is All We Have,” Alberto Rios used a combination of literary devices, like repetition (again) and some contrasts, to emphasize the effects and importance of giving, so more people will become more caring through giving to those people who needed assistance. Giving has many benefits to both you and the one who you gave —- and you can give whenever you want plus your giving can become a legacy and passed down through generations.

We give because someone gave to us.

We give because nobody gave to us.

We have been better for it…

Giving is, first and every time, hand to hand,

Mine to yours, yours to mine. (1-2, 5, 11-12)

Rios bad signified the importance of giving in a variety of ways. Even though we give things back to show our manner, but we also proactively give to people who needed aid from the society. In this poem, Rios signifies and emphasizes the main idea of the benefits and importance of giving so that more people will be willing to care for others through giving. It sure benefits both you and the society through a variety of influential ways!

Citation: Rios, Alberto. “When Giving Is All We Have.” Poets.org. 1952. Web. 17 April 2018.

c. Compare TIEA

In both “Remember” by Joy Harjo and “When Giving Is All We Have” by Alberto Rios, used repetition to express the main empowering idea inside and to emphasize its importance throughout. Repetition, or repeating of a certain word/phrase, is used in “Remember” to describe what and why should we remember our surroundings and in “When Giving Is All We Have” to emphasize the importance of giving and when should we give.

Remember you are all people and all people

are you.

Remember you are this universe and this universe

is you.

Remember all is in motion, is growing, is you… (Harjo, 19-23)

We give because someone gave to us.

We give because nobody gave to us.

We give because giving has changed us.

We give because giving could have changed us. (Rios, 1-4)

In both poems, Harjo and Rios made their poems more inspirational and empowering to all audiences through the use of repetition. In “Remember,” all lines start with a repetition so that audience will know what to remember and inspiring people to care for their surroundings. However, repetition is used only for the beginning 6 lines in Rios’ “When Giving Is All We Have.” They discuss when to give and its effects to people. That’s the importance of giving. (Contrast is also present: 2 lines in pairs contrasting each other –> showing that we can give whenever we want.)


1. Harjo, Joy. “Remember.” Poets.org. 1951. Web. 17 April 2018.

2. Rios, Alberto. “When Giving Is All We Have.” Poets.org. 1952. Web. 17 April 2018.

d. Contrast TIEA

In “Remember” by Joy Harjo, the structure is more monotonous than Alberto Rios’ “When Giving Is All We Have,” making it less attractive to audience members and so less people is willing to take action. The “Remember” poem utilized the same repetition and structure throughout the entire poe, which made it tedious uniform and dull, compared to Rios’ “When Giving Is All We Have,” which contains some contrasts (different kinds of literary device) and structural changes.

Remember the moon, know who she is.

Remember the sun’s birth at down, that is the

strongest point of time. Remember sundown

and the giving away to night.

Remember your birth, how your mother struggled… (Harjo, 3-7)

We give because giving has changed us.

We give because giving could have changed us…

Giving has many faces: It is loud and quiet,

Big, through small, diamond in wood-nails. (Rios, 5-6, 9-10)

With variations being utilized, Rios’ poem will have a better chance to invite more people to read it and to take action. By the way, there are good reasons that are being explained and emphasized in this poem. For example: it may be passed down through multiple generations. Nobody would ever want to read a dull poem, which “Remember” is a great example: only 1 type of literary device is used, plus a monotonous structure. (Inspirational poems, in my opinion, should be interesting to read and well organized plus are designed for audience members to take action.)


– Harjo, Joy. “Remember.” Poets.org. 1951. Web. 17 April 2018.

– Rios, Alberto. “When Giving Is All We Have.” Poets.org. 1952. Web. 17 April 2018.

3. Inspirational Poem – Together

Together, we are more…

Successful! O friends, our friends! We don’t stuck inside,

With collaboration, we broke free!

With collaboration, we are like light bulbs lighting up

Gathering ideas into a hub

And into a great inspiration for everyone.


Bring people together has many benefits:

better work, better solving skills, better chance to succeed

Bam! Our work got a great score!

Thanks to our great team work!


Friendship can also be yield through gathering together

An example –> Me and Anthony and Quinton

Meeting together to solve all Quinton’s troubles

We work busy as a bee

Tried so hard, and sure we became friends.

Together is the extraordinary advantages

Impelling those great minds

Empowering and succeeding in a fantabulous way.

4. Inspirational Poem background slideshow

5. Hope Poem Flipgrid Video

6. Actual Hope Poem

My hope looks like the vast library of books, flipping through then every day.

My hope feels like the warm welcome from our superintendent; in a welcoming and most hilarious way.

My hope smells like a park full of trees, or a Gargantuan study full of old books.

My hope tastes like a mixture of coffee and ink; so unique that you couldn’t resist!

My hope sounds like the echos of musics, making me fall asleep.

My hope is to learn inside an environment full of nature stuffs while listening to music: you’ll soon enjoy the feeling and make it as your everyday habit.

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