TOK Show and Tell Reflection


Answering KQ: How do our expectations and assumptions have an impact on how we perceive things?


Our expectations and assumptions have a huge impact on how we perceive things. In the context of my show and tell, which was about a screenshot of the politics section of the world famous newspaper The New York Times, I discussed that before the previous US presidential election, I previously thought that these foreign elections have nothing to do with our recognition across the globe. However, that perspective shifted significantly after the previous election, in which more and more countries, especially those in Europe, started to support Taiwan after the newly-elected US president started to do so. (This kind of support was completely different from the ongoing support by our allies, the countries that have established diplomatic relationships with, in the United Nations.) I didn’t fully expect a foreign leader’s actions would have a huge impact on our status in the global community. I was amazed by how others’ actions can bring forward change in the global community on a scale I have never seen before. Therefore, I believe that our expectations and assumptions have a huge impact on how we perceive things. 

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