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Friday Blog Post 1-7

On our field trip we went to a desert and when we got off the bus, we just saw a wasteland , but our teacher seems like she is in Paradise she got a smile on her face and all the other student had a bored face. And in the middle of the walking trip we saw a cowboy with a South American accent and he had a hat tattoo on this right arm the student was really scared because we saw a rifle on his belt. His face was really Shriveled so we were half scared because he had a strong gun but, he look old so he didn’t look like he would harm us. And we saw a bunch of descendants around us and our teacher had a canteen filled with water but she didn’t let us drink it and that is the worst field trip of my life.

This week our group discussed why Stanley was a bad boy and why he was in camp green lake and why does camp green lake have a purpose of digging holes. Some people think that it will help bad boys build a character and that the people that started camp can get treasure at the same time. But I think that they are trying to punish the bad boys.


I think that Hong kai not going to camp is really sad because camp is really fun and I think he will like camp. I think Momo reads a lot and I think she has a lot of text to text connections. I think that I get really scared when I see someone with a tattoo and I think I will be even scared than Stanley.  I think Derrick is going to be very scared but, I think he will still make friend because Derrick is not that shy anymore. I think Melody. T likes Ms.Martin calling her Mel.T because id she calles her Melody than people won’t know witch Melody and I think it is very cute.



I think Derrick made the snake look really cute.



I think Derrick made the shoe look really big so people can really see the sheo.


Dear Stanley,

How are you? I really want to know what happened there and how does the camp looks like and others. I am really worry about you when you get to the camp. I am really afraid of you getting hurt so please tell something about it.

I can’t even focus on doing something now because I am very worried about you. Your dad is very worried too but he is still working on his invention all day long. I hope you could come back soon.





Dear Mom,

How are you? I am somewhat ok. I had a 8 hour ride before I had arrive the camp. When I get there I was very thirsty. The first guy was named Mr. Sir. He has a rattle snake on his arm.

There was a 6 tent there. A,B,C,D,E and F are the name of the tent. I was assigned to tent D. My counselor of my tent is called Mr.Pendanski. He told me that his name is easy to memorize. Just remember Pen-Dance-key.

WE had only 4 minutes to take a bath. There was only cold water there. We had meat and vegetable for dinner. When it is time to sleep, my cot smells like a sour milk and I don’t like it.




 By: Hong Kai

I think Hong kai made it pretty funny.

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