The Crucible: Character change

In Act 1 of the crucible, Mary Warren is seen as a shy, anxious girl who is just a servant working for the Proctor family but as the play continues, she changes into a manipulative liar. When we were introduced to Mary in Act 1, she was an innocent girl that realized her mistake was a sin and wanted to confess.

MARY WARREN. What’ll we do? The village is out! I just come from the farms; the whole country’s talkin’ witchcraft! They’ll be callin’ us witches, Abby!

MERCY. She means to tell, I know it.

MARY WARREN. Abby, we’ve got to tell. Witchery’s a hangin’ error, a hangin’ like they done in Boston two years ago! We must tell the truth, Abby! You’ll only be whipped for dancin’, and the other things! (Miller 18)

Mary Warren was acting out of fear and understood that if they don’t tell the truth, the consequences will worsen. Abigail and the girls didn’t agree with her and threatened her to not confess. With Mary Warren’s weak personality, she is fearfully persuaded by Abigail. Later in Act 3, Mary Warren testifies for Proctor and his wife, as she confesses it doesn’t seem believable for the judges because she couldn’t prove her confession was true.

HATHORNE. You say you never saw no spirits, Mary, were never threatened or afflicted by any manifest of the Devil or the Devil’s agents.


HATHORNE. And yet, when people accused of witchery confronted you in court, you would faint, saying their spirits came out of their bodies and choked you-

MARY WARREN. That were pretense, sir. (Miller 98)

Her confession didn’t seem believable because she was unable to fake a faint for the judges but after the confession, there was peer pressure from the girls to continue with their lies. During Mary Warren’s testimony, Abigail realizes that it would expose her lies so she pretended to see a yellow bird in the sky. Mary Warren begs her to stop but it caused the rest of the girls to start repeating her words this was the peer pressure that made Mary Warren join the lies with the girls.

MARY WARREN. Don’t touch me- don’t touch me!


MARY WARREN, pointing at Proctor. You’re the Devil’s man! (Miller 110)

In the movie “The last song”, there were 2 boys that were responsible for a fire but they kept it a secret and didn’t the victims of the fire. One of the boys wanted to take responsibility and apologize to the victim but the other boy wanted it to stay a secret, this is a lot like Abigail and Marry Warren’s situation. Which is when one character wants to confess and the other doesn’t.


Photo on Visual hunt
” Rose In Open Book Photo – Visual Hunt.”


Miller, Arthur. The Crucible: A Play in Four Acts. New York: Penguin Books, 2003. Print.

word count: 455

The Crucible: Hypocrites

In the crucible, Abigail Williams claims to be a good religious girl but her actions towards others show that she is a hypocrite. In the play, there have been several moments where Abigail’s actions portray herself as a manipulative and compulsive liar.

When Abigail and the girls were caught in the forest dancing, instead of confessing to the authorities, she blamed it on others in the village especially the people she disliked or are an easy target due to their social status. In the play, Tituba is a slave which is an easy target for Abigail because of her social status. “Abigail: I never sold myself! I’m a good girl! I’m a proper girl! Mrs. Putnam enters with Tituba, and instantly Abigail points at Tituba. Abigail: She made me do it! She made Betty do it!” (40) Right after claiming to be a “good girl”, Abigail uses the opportunity to make Tituba seem like the only guilty one.  “Abigail: She is blackening my name in the village! She is telling lies about me! She is a cold, sniveling woman, and you bend to her! Let her turn you like a-” (22) Abigail is a teenage that is attracted to an older grown man, her attraction to him made him desperate and eager for his attention. She is willing to go to great lengths to keep him only for himself. “Abigail, to the ceiling, in a genuine conversation with the “bird” as though trying to talk it out of attacking her: But God made my face; you cannot want to tear my face. Envy is a deadly sin, Mary.” (106) Abigail turns on the other girls just to save herself from punishment.

My personal connection to these hypocritical scenes is from the movie Frozen. In a scene where Anna met a boyfriend that she connected with and trusted but at the end of the movie he turns on her for his own benefit. He was a selfish and hypocritical character, similar to Abigail.

Work cited:
Le masque by Photo credit: Aldor on / CC BY-NC-ND
Miller, Arthur. The Crucible: A Play In Four Acts, New York: Penguin Books, 2003. Print.

The crucible: Making connections

In The Crucible Act 1, Reverend Parris is trying to find the person responsible for Betty’s sickness and the witchcraft activity in the forest. He interrogates Abigail and Tituba, who participated in the witchcraft activity. Since practicing witchcraft is a sin and punishable by death, Abigail and Tituba starts to name names to stop the accusations against them. When Reverend Hale asked if Abigail conjured witchcraft, she immediately blamed it on Tituba as soon as Tituba enters. “She made me do it! She made Betty do it!” (40) When Tituba was accused, she was threatened for being hanged and confessed to working for the devil. “I don’t know, sir, but the Devil got him, numerous witches.” (42) Abigail and Tituba named several names and blamed them for working with the devil. “Aye, sir, and Goody Osburn” (44) “I saw Sarah Good with the Devil! I saw Goody Osburn with the Devil! I saw Bridget Bishop with the Devil!” (45)

This situation reminded me of movie court scenes, where the judge is trying to find out who is guilty of their crimes. In the movie “Sully” the pilot was in a situation where he needed to land the plane on water as an emergency landing. In court, they had different witnesses and victims to testify for the court case. This was a very similar situation to when Reverend Hale and minister Parris interrogates Abigail and Tituba.

The Taste Of Apples Novel Study

Image & Image TIEA
During this unit, we read a novel called “The Taste of Apples” containing a collection of short stories about tension between generations, urban and rural, modern and traditional and foreign and local. With each short story, we practice writing TIEAs and group discussions.

In “The Drowning of an old cat”, Huang Chun-ming uses the activity of choice to show tension between generations. In the train ride, both generations were given time to do anything they wanted and the younger generation chose to play with his phone. In “The Drowning of an old cat” the generations had the choice to keep the Dragon Eye Well or build a pool. “‘I’d like you to go back and tell the people in town that Uncle Ah-sheng of Clear Springs says, if they want to go swimming they can stay home and take a dip in their bathtubs!’” (23) In the story and in the image both generations clearly have different interests and support different choices. The image shows that the younger man was using his phone as entertainment and in the story, the people in town wanted to build a swimming pool, also for entertainment. Younger generations seem to only be interested in entertainment and having fun. In the image the older man sits on the train patiently waiting to arrive to his destination and in the story Uncle Ah-sheng goes against the swimming pool. The older generations are more traditional and patient. The tension in the image is between generations, since both sides show difference in interest and support different things.

Evelyn Chao, 2018. Tension between generations. (Evelyn Chao’s own private collection)


TTOA Reflection

Letter to congressperson

Dear Don Bacon, Representative of Nebraska,

My name is Sunny Fang, and I am a teenager who has resided in Nebraska for years. I, along with my friend Evelyn Chao, are writing to you to file suggestions for gun laws in Nebraska. We truly understand and respect your stance of opposing to strict gun control, but as we have done research on gun rights in Nebraska, we firmly believe that it is necessary to have gun rights reforms in order to give the state a better future. Today, we are here to propose three major changes we hope to see in the state’s law regarding weapons: implementing stricter gun control laws in general e.g. reverse the reform that allows university-sanctioned firearms teams to possess rifles, pistols, and shotguns on campus, establishing stricter restrictions for applying for the CCW permit, and prohibiting the open carry of weapons in public. Although it might seem to be unreasonable to ask for these reforms, we have researched on the gun death rates in Nebraska. As of 2017, the suicide rate is 13.07 per 100 thousand people, compared to the 13.47 national rate. In terms of black homicide rate, research has shown that there are 28.17 killings per 100,000 black people in 2014. Such a rate is twice the national black homicide rate and almost seven times the nation’s overall homicide rate. Even though it’s argued that fatalities are not directly correlated with gun control, the accessibility of guns do contribute to fatalities since it’s a weapon that could harm or even kill one directly and immediately.
First off, we would like to request to reverse the loose gun restriction that was established in summer 2018. The reform permits university-sanctioned firearms teams to possess rifles, pistols, and shotguns on campus. However, we firmly believe that this change wouldn’t be beneficial. It’s true that it allows firearms teams to have a wider range of variety in terms of firearms, but the law doesn’t explicitly restrict students from utilizing their firearms outside their firearms teams meetings, which could be potentially dangerous and further lead to tragic incidents on campus. Even though school shootings happen relatively rarely in Nebraska, data has proven how the US, with ongoing gun control debate, has the highest rate of school shootings of 288 incidents, according to the CNN. This is 57 times as many shootings as the other six G7 nations, which are nations with advanced economies, combined. Gun violence is the reason why shootings occur. Thus, we believe it would be hard to regulate students on the firearms teams despite being university students. The mindset here isn’t distrusting the university students, but to protect other students to make them feel safe. The next legislation we proposed to change is to have stricter CCW permit regulations. The current guidelines include requirements such as age, vision test, residence, citizenship, etc. However, the regulations should also include mental health check as well. I have heard from my friend, who had her grandfather accidentally shot and murdered by his neighbor just because his neighbor believed there was loud music. Therefore, we believe that mental health check is essential as part of the CCW permit regulations to prevent unnecessary tragedies. Last but definitely not least, we hope to prohibit the open carry of any forms of weapons in public places. We believe that under the state’s modified Castle Doctrine law, it’s better to restrict the carry of guns in one citizen’s home instead of allowing the carry of guns in public places. We recognize how places such as churches, schools, bars, and government buildings prohibit the carry of a gun. However, we see it as unnessary to allow citizens to carry guns in public places such as state parks. Public terror could arouse with the permission of open carry, and we deem it as unnecessary to have citizens fearing potential shootings in the state.

You once stated, “Gun control is a recipe for only the criminals having guns.” However, we don’t believe so. If gun control is enforced strictly, gun crimes and rates could be decreased drastically. According to a 0-100 score rating for each state’s strictness in terms of firearm laws, the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence and the Brady Campaign together found out how Hawaii and California, respectively, scored 72.5 and 93.5, which proves how they have pretty strict gun control. These two states also fall on the lower end of the fatalities spectrum, proving how stricter gun control can bring down gun death rates. With the aforementioned points and ideas, we firmly believe gun control in Nebraska should be reformed to become stricter instead of looser.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards,
Sunny Fang and Evelyn Chao

Men and women should have equal rights

Persuade me: Speech on gender inequality

For this summative we needed to write and present a persuasive speech about a social issue. My topic was about gender inequality. During this unit we had practiced several skills to improve public speaking, we had formative assignments about reading, write, speaking and listening. For our final summative assignment we needed to make a 4-6 min speech using rhetorical devices. (Ethos, logos and pathos)

Speech unit reflection

Think like a supreme court justice

Individuals shouldn’t have a private right to own guns because, a gun isn’t a necessary weapon for ordinary citizens that aren’t in a militia. A lot of accidents can be caused by the ownership of a gun. In the second amendment it states that “A well regulated militia, being necessary for the security of a free state”. A militia doesn’t really exist during this modern day time, therefore a gun isn’t necessary for anyone that isn’t in a militia. The second amendment was written in 1791, and during that time the framers intention was for the security of a free state. People needed a gun during that time to protect themselves from animal attacks, native americans, and for the militia. These thing don’t exist in modern time anymore.

Writing a script for a book

In this assignment, we got to collaborate with students from another school in Ohio. The students from Bio Med Science Academy were supposed to make a video based on the script and storyboard that we (KAS students) write for them. The script and storyboard are about a personal reading book that I read called the maze runner.

Me and my partner communicated with emails and social media (snapchat), we discussed the camera angles and the dialogue in the character scenes in our project. Even though we were able to communicate over social media, it was still difficult because of the different time zone.

This was my second time writing a script for a story, it was still a little confusing because I didn’t know how to arrange the conversation between the protagonist and antagonist. I didn’t want the script to look exactly like how the book is written, so I tried to change how the character talked and the order that the character talked in, but I didn’t change the main point of the scene.

My first time drawing a storyboard was an interesting experience. At first I didn’t know what a storyboard was, but after looking at some examples, I tried to draw what I thought the story and setting should look like. I think drawing the storyboard helped my partner with making the movie trailer because it can help her know what should or shouldn’t be in the movie trailer.

Overall experience
I think this was very fun to work with someone oversea and getting to know how different schools focus on teaching different subjects. In Bio Med Science Academy they focus on teaching technology and science, but in our KAS english class we were learning about writing a script and storyboard. I think the process of putting together different types of our specialty and making it into a collaborative project is very interesting.

Movie trailer

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