May 2020 archive

Individual Oral Internal Assessment

In my individual oral, I chose my global issue after the Persepolis discussion I had with my classmate. In this discussion, we explored more about Satrapi’s identity in terms of representing herself through her country and the complexity of nationalism and patriotism. Out of the many global issues we discussed, I chose to analyze the global issue of identity change and more specifically how it can be influenced by societal pressure and cultural differences. I thought that I could relate to this global issue more on a personal level because it is a very common topic among young teenagers and adults proving the issue to be timeless and limitless. An example I made specifically is young adults being particularly affected by societal pressure through the use of social media which causes them to have an identity struggle. These texts personally showed me that identity change isn’t always a bad thing as people can develop personal growth from these experiences and learn new values in the process, essentially showing that identity change is a part of the development in life. I prepared for my IO by first writing my outline and listing out all the things I want to include, then organizing them in a concise matter to later practice with my 10 bullet points. Timing my IO was important for me to know about how long I should be talking. Practicing it out loud was also helpful in putting me in the most realistic situation. My main challenge was the timing as I was afraid to go over time and was nervous about keeping a balance in the IO.

Sacrifice and Protest in sports: Nike and Icarus reflection

During this unit, we viewed 2 non-literary works. Icarus is a documentary about Russia’s practice of doping in the sports industry. It was named after the Greek mythology where Icarus had is wings melted off because he flew too close to the sun despite his father’s warning. Nike is another non-literary work we viewed, where we looked at Colin Kaepernick’s protest against police brutality and racial discrimination. Both works share a common theme of sacrifice and protest in sports.

While choosing which 2 works I wanted to analyze for my IO recording, we were partnered up to create a poster connecting all the literary and non-literary works we have viewed. I think this helped me get a good sense of what I wanted to analyze becau, of the visual representation of the connections, I could see the more clearly which works had more in common, which ones had a bigger difference or how the differences can impact the connection between each work. Working in pairs was also helpful because I was able to get a second opinion on things and widen my perspective on each of the works.

my mini IO recording
I think that the mini IO helped me understand what I needed to include for my analysis of the non-literary work. It was a helpful practice to learn how to pace my time and also I was more prepared and knew what to expect for the IO summative. Since the practice IO was only 5 minutes, it was