Mid February Experience CAS

February is an interesting month because of the timing of our CNY break. We should have had time to do some kind of CAS experience but we really didn’t because of the multitudes of things that we actually had to do. From familial duties to studying for tests right after the break, we were overloaded with academic and personal responsibilities. However, to ensure that I had something to write today, I did do some writing projects.

My little writing project was essentially a few of my friends and myself forming the outline for a story. Every tried anything like that? If not, let me be the testimony to the horrors of coordination. I realize that when we all have exams coming at different times, it’s really difficult for all of us to sit down and write at the same time. Someone is always unavailable.

If anything, the only reflection that should be done is by the education system, and why it asks us to stress ourselves out more by doing things we want to do when we clearly don’t have the time for it. I reflect upon this a lot, how we’re all suffering through a necessary, normalized evil. But it is what it is, I’ll live.

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