Mid January Engagement

School starts and our desire to forge on drastically decreases, however, we still do, and here we are. Of course, because of school, CAS activities began to drop, especially because our teachers very graciously decided to give us summative assignments for the first 2 weeks of school, but it is what it is.

Action: I worked out a bit before school started and just twice after it did, I must say, having a chance to forget about schoolwork and just focus on sweating and moving is quite good. It clears my mind when I do, and the exhaustion helps with sleep as well, which I desperately need. I can’t say that I know too much about how this all helps me, but when I go to school and have to deal with the work and people, getting to just relieve myself by just moving around and punching something really helps a lot. It was definitely a challenge though, something new for me, to really push myself past my comfort zone and properly exercising outside of dedicated training. Made me a lot more… disciplined, and willing to work through tough times.

Creativity: Well remember last time I said that I was going to analyze Gravity falls a little deeper? For my own writing, I decided to employ something that the show loves to do, which is sprinkling a few characters and plot points that won’t show up until much later. Each character also seemed to symbolize something, constellations often, and those symbols show up as motifs and sometimes repeatedly over periods of time in between. And though I don’t have much reflection, it does make me contemplate about the stars in the sky, I know astrology is a lie, yet I wonder whether the looping fates are real, and if I am here because I’m meant to be.

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