Blog Post 2: Hypocrites (Crucible)

In The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller, many of the characters would have their own values. Some characters would live by their values and beliefs, while others would claim to have their values and beliefs, but demonstrate actions that are not consistent with their claimed beliefs, being hypocrites.

In the play, the girls would often accuse other people that they had performed witchcraft, in order for them to stay innocent and not suffer the consequences. Abigail Williams was among the girls who would often accuse others of witchcraft, leading to the Salem Witch Trial. Throughout the play, Abigail Williams would act innocent, claims that she loves and follows God, “Abigail: I want to open myself! They turn to her, startled. She is enraptured, as though in a pearly light. I want the light of God, I want the sweet love of Jesus!” (48). However, She often manipulates her friends, acting very evil, sending many people to suffer the consequences of death after being accused of witchcraft by her.

Events that would be similar to this would be my own personal experience of people I know that would always say to do something, but eventually does the opposite. An example is when someone says that they will finish their assignment on time, but does not get it completed until after the due date of the assignment. This connects back to Abigail allegedly saying that she loves and follows God, but acts devil-like when she had accused other people of performing witchcraft.

Miller, Arthur. The Crucible: A Play in Four Acts. New York: Penguin Books, 1976.

“Hypocrite Person”. Vectorstock, 2021, Accessed 9 Mar 2021.

One thought on “Blog Post 2: Hypocrites (Crucible)

  1. etanistan March 11, 2021 / 1:13 pm

    Hi Alicia! I found it very interesting how The Crucible often depicts characters showing hypocrisy. On that front, I concur with the compelling argument that you have made; on how Abigail Williams shows hypocrisy with the events unfolding throughout the story. I can definitely relate to your personal anecdote! There have been many times where I would encourage others to finish an assignment when I would procrastinate myself. I was wondering; how has Abigail Williams been a hypocrite without anyone noticing? Additionally, with most characters showing hypocrisy, could this be a justifying factor for Abigail to demonstrate her double standards?

    Overall, I believe that this blog post was informative and gave great insight into the crux of the issue; opening my eyes to how Abigail Williams is a phony.

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