Frustration about blatant lies someone tells and everyone else believes

There are often occasions where people would lie in order to make themselves feel better, or to make people believe that they are innocent. Knowing that the person is lying, yet other people are believing them makes me frustrated; I am not able to do anything about it as people would often think that I am trying to make the person look bad, or they would not believe me. Although there might be some people who believe me, other people would have their own opinions.

From my own experience, there would be times when my siblings had done something unacceptable in our household, such as breaking something. In order to not get in trouble, they would lie their way out or blame it on other people. Although I would not want to rat out on anyone, I know that I would also suffer the consequences. This situation is similar to the Crucible when Abigail was told to tell Parris about whether she had participated in witchcraft, as Parris had suspected that she had performed it during act 1. Although Abigail had told him that she and Betty did not participate in any form of witchcraft, he still found it hard to believe as he had seen them in the woods, dancing like heathens. Parris must have found it frustrating when he was trying to get Abigail to tell him the truth since he had already seen them acting strange in the forest. Abigail had to remain innocent and clueless in order to not be accused of witchcraft, as she and Betty would then suffer the consequences of them getting punished and killed. I understand how Parris had been frustrated about trying to get Abigail to confess the truth, but I also understand how Abigail did not want to confess anything so that she can protect herself and not get punished.

2 thoughts on “Frustration about blatant lies someone tells and everyone else believes

  1. anniwu23 February 18, 2021 / 1:49 pm

    Hi Alicia!
    After reading your blog post on “frustration about blatant lies someone tells and everyone else believes”, I entirely agree with your opinion and interpretation of it. One particular thing that really caught my attention upon your blog post, is how you relate so well to the play “The Crucible” itself and being able to understand their feeling on both sides – frustration and self-defense. I fully understand why you can relate to this particular event, as for me, my siblings and I have done the exact same thing as well when something unacceptable is done by both my brother and me. As I read through the connection you have made toward your own experience with your siblings, I wonder if you would do the same thing as Parris, or as Abigail if you were in the situation yourself? What was your experience when you were in such a similar situation with your siblings? Lastly, I really like how you were able to express yourself by sharing your own experience to the community and understanding how the characters in the play feel through uses of “empathy”! 🙂

  2. chehsi23 February 18, 2021 / 11:56 pm

    Hi Alicia!
    I think that this was a really good correlation between The Crucible and your life; as you gave meaningful examples in which both cases were impactful. I agree with your reasoning between how Parris was falsely accused of witchcraft – and how he could not do anything about it because what is said is said. Overall, I think that this was an informative blog post that summarized the main idea.

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