KAS Special Report: How do we Protect the Red Slender Loris?

The Red Slender Loris and its subspecies, the Horton Plains Slender Loris needs your help to protect it from extinction! Here’s a way to protect it from extinction.

Since the species suffered mainly from habitat loss, one way to save them is to plant more trees in the original environment, especially montane trees. Are those scientists doing that right now! Yes!, they are! Scientists in the Edge of Existence are trying to replant montane trees at the original environment to reconnect loris territory and provide a secure future for those lorises. Learn more at http://www.edgeofexistence.org/edgeblog/?p=1826 They need your help to save them from extinction!

#KASendangered #KASeaPrimates #SaveTheEarth #SaveThePlanet #SaveTheEndangeredSpecies #IUCNEndangered

Please see this infographic if you want to learn more about why they need your help.

UPDATE: Citations for the inforgraphic

5 thoughts on “KAS Special Report: How do we Protect the Red Slender Loris?

  1. Why are the Montane trees being cut down? is there any commercial use for montane trees? and how could the trees be replaced?

    1. These trees are being cut down due to the development of Sri Lanka. These trees could be replaced by replanting trees in southern Sri Lanka.

  2. Sorry, I have to make a clarification here. “Montane Trees” are not a species of trees. Here, I mean that they live in montane part in forests in southern Sri Lanka, not a Species of trees. Sorry for making this misunderstanding. 🙁

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