Lens of Film

During this unit we analyzed multiple pieces of film for their uses of visual techniques and how they impact the audience as well as what they are in general. We compared their uses and discussed the question of whether the techniques are even deliberate, or are we just over-complicating their uses. This unit was definitely filled with more looking and seeing rather than reading or listening, as we focus on what we see rather than how we interpret text.

I think the biggest learning that I had in the end after this unit is how much thought can be placed into visuals. Even though I believe that the film we watched didn’t deliberately use the techniques, I do realize the possibilities of the symbolism and thought. Because for all I know, they could have really meant all of what I analyzed, and with that thought, it’s definitely a possibility that they put all that thought into every frame and angle. For me, perhaps what I ended up learning was the possibility of thoughts, just the endless possibilities of human creativity.

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