a few weeks ago, belinda’s birthday was coming up so i decided to design a customized wireless charger for her since she’s kind of that tech freak (jk!). i found this store on instagram that sells a range of customized… Continue Reading →
Throughout this internship, I’d been trying to work on improving my leadership capabilities as well as strengthening my sense of accountability. I’ve learned that leadership and authority don’t necessarily need to come hand-in-hand, therefore I’ve been trying to cultivate my… Continue Reading →
To commemorate the last day of our basketball season, our athletic director arranged a friendly game for both the boy’s and girl’s team. As a member of the Athletic Council, I decided to be the scoreboard to help out the… Continue Reading →
I’ve been attending the medical internship as part of the Future Leaders Program in our school for a few months already. As part of this internship, the doctor asked Paula and I to design a poster to promote the vaccines… Continue Reading →
On Xmas Eve, I traveled to Taipei with a couple of my friends and ice-skated. It was an extremely pleasant and tiring day, and we all had tons of fun. I’ve never ice-skated before, so I was very nervous and… Continue Reading →
Over the winter break, I put together a video as part of the National Honors Society Christmas activity to thank the custodians. When the executive team gathered together to brainstorm Christmas ideas targetted at the theme of giving back and… Continue Reading →
This month is a big month for the basketball teams with lots of friendlies and official games going on. Since the Varsity girls team doesn’t have any qualifier games anymore, we devoted the month solely to practices and friendlies to… Continue Reading →
This weekend, the Street Art Club from our school held a charity performance at Mega Mall to showcase their results over the year. Several other clubs also set up club booths to show support for the performance. Red Cross Club… Continue Reading →
In light of the NOVA business competition happening in January next year in Taipei, interested students are encouraged to come up with a t-shirt design that we can wear collectively as a group to represent KAS on the trip. Since… Continue Reading →
View this post on Instagram A post shared by curie chiou (@coooli_) on Oct 25, 2020 at 5:25am PDT This weekend, the volleyball teams traveled to Dongshan Senior High School in Taichung for a volleyball camp and learning… Continue Reading →
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