Category Archives: Math

Math Progressssssssssssssssssss Reflection

In this blog post, I will be showing you my progress in math class.

First, I will be talking about my improvements in math. first, I improved in doing more ixl. Ixl is a website that helps with all sorts of subjects, not just math. But I mainly use it for math. I also improved my finishing my homework on time these days. it was kind of because Ms. Chagaris’ threat was actually a good threat. Her threat was for us to write a 5 paragraph essay. And personally, I hate writing essays.

Next, I will be talking about my weaknesses in math class. first of all, I really dislike math. So I don’t wanna practice. But my mom told me to suck it up and do it. And she says I’ll get an award if I do ixl. Then it’s doing homework. I said I hate practicing. But I rather do my homework than write a 5 paragraph essay. My grades also went down in math because of not doing homework. And my mom said doing homework is the easiest way to get my grades up.

Now I will be talking about how I will be progressing in math. During the summer, I will be doing 15 minutes of Ixl/day. Also, I will be doing 15 minutes of math worksheet/day. I could also use Khan Academy. I’ve never used it so I want to try it.

Finally, here are some links that will help me practice math.
Ixl practice sheets:
Khan Academy:

How To Video blog post

Hello and today Kevin and I made a video about how to multiply and divide fractions with mixed numbers. it was hard, mainly because if you made a mistake, you have to restart the whole thing over again. it took us several tries but we got there. you can see our video down below

Math Unit 1, Data and Statistics Reflection

Self Management skills

I am good at using my time wisely. But I need to improve on keeping track of my homework. To help my self with that, I can write down all my homework and check them after i’m finished.Thinking Skills

Thinking Skills

I’m good at thinking outside the box. I think about the least obvious answers, But I need to work on math puzzles like word problems.

Communication Skills

I rarely use this skill. I almost never take notes. I can improve by sleeping earlier so I will have more energy during the day

Learner Profiles

I am a thinker. I use the most creative ways to solve a problem. I am not a risk taker. I don’t like to raise my hands and share my ideas. I am not principled because i’m not responsible nor organized.



Making Digital Graphs

In math class we studied about data and statistics. Our statement of inquiry was, “The way in which we collect, represent and interpret data, helps us identify patterns, understand relationships and solve real world problems.” Today we practiced making graphs with Google Sheets. Below you can see my graph about Kaohsiung and Taipei average yearly weather.