Trying to keep myself occupied as I progress through my 14 days of self-quarantine (my brother came back from the US that’s why), I decided to make a bingo for ACAMIS exclusively after seeing all the creative bingo posters made… Continue Reading →
Inspired by my literature class’s peace crane activity at the beginning of the month, I was intrigued by the message behind peace cranes and wanted to do more with it. Therefore, I decided to join With A Thousand Cranes organization…. Continue Reading →
Recently, our literature class has been studying pieces of literature related to the Hiroshima bomb. Seizing this opportunity, we’re arranged a short trip to visit the 5th graders and teach them how to make paper cranes, a symbol of peace… Continue Reading →
For this month’s CAS experience, I decided to make an inkblot for fun. I haven’t done a physical artwork in a long time, so holding the paintbrush again felt really unfamiliar at first. I first watched a short tutorial that… Continue Reading →
After procrastinating for a bit while, I finally finished editing the promotional video. I didn’t follow the storyboard exactly to film the video, nor did I follow the plan exactly to edit the video, which I found really cool because… Continue Reading →
This Thursday, my literature class went to a bakery shop together to make a birthday cake for Dr. Byers, our literature class teacher. Her birthday is this Saturday, and we decided to give her a birthday surprise by baking a… Continue Reading →
Monday after school, December the 16th, is the day when my filming officially took place. The IT Director helped me bring the massive camera into the gym, set the camera up for me, and gave me some final cautions regarding… Continue Reading →
Before actually starting the photo shooting, I talked to the IT director of our school, Mr. Meehan, about the feasibility of my proposal and also some advice on shooting. Unfortunately, the school policy regulates that drones must be flown in… Continue Reading →
Last week, Belinda and I continued to work on our CAS project about the promo video for the varsity basketball season. I contacted the President of the Athletic Council earlier to possibly get a date of the official team photoshoot,… Continue Reading →
After I’ve watched several other videos, I begin drawing out the scene-to-scene transitions for the whole video. I also talked to the athletic director, Mr. Yanna, to know which days the gym is possibly available for use. Unfortunately, the… Continue Reading →
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