Category Language and Literature

Valiant Venture update 3/last update – Jun 15

After three days since the last update, on Jun 15, our team is fully done with the paragraphs, the findings of pictures, and the actual drawing pluses the coloring of the models. paragraphs pictures model drawing + coloring    … Continue Reading →

Valiant Venture Project update 2 – Jun 12

So far before Jun 12th, we’re 3/4 done with the paragraphs of explanation of the three BTS’ proudest moment and a brief introduction, as shown below. Most proudly, we came up with one new cool idea of making an extra… Continue Reading →

Valiant Venture Project update 1 – Jun 9

So far before Jun 9, our group (Britney, Enya, Natasha) has decided what we want to work on for this last summative of the semester (and our middle school career :D). We decided to create 3D models of BTS’ three… Continue Reading →

Gender Inequality infographic

After a week, we are done with another summative in our Language and Literature class about a social issue. We are supposed to choose a social issue we want to research on and apply the information into an infographic. This… Continue Reading →

Identity and Culture: Where Do I Belong?

This is a short unit we did in our English class this semester focusing on our identities, culture, and how may these affect/form us into who we are right now. After this unit, I gained a surprisingly new perspective about… Continue Reading →

A Little Glimpse Of Poetry

For the summative of this unit, we are supposed to accomplish two parts according to poetry. For part 1, we annotated two poems written by others, eventually analyzing them in the TIEA format individually and together. For part 2, we… Continue Reading →

Imitation Poetry

For this assignment, we are supposed to annotate poems and write our own by copying the authors’ style of writing. For the first two poems, we even recorded our poem and made it into a video. My 5 poems are… Continue Reading →

Poetry Remix

For this assignment, we are supposed to write a variety of poems by mixing something that is already created into our own. We created poems with only idioms, song titles, slogans in it, and even crossing out words in an… Continue Reading →

Unit 3 Summative – Bias in Media

For this summative, we learned about the bias that exists in medias. As the unit is coming to an end, we worked on a summative that is combined by two different parts that are according to bias in medias. For… Continue Reading →

Teenage relationship

Teenage Relationship Sep 25, 2016 | By Curie Chiou   In these days, more and more students started to have relationships with another, especially for teenagers. In Kaohsiung American School, there are couples virtually in every grade, from 8th to… Continue Reading →

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