Category Grade 10

The Taste of Apples Novel Study

In this unit, we did a thorough study and investigation of the well-known Taiwanese novel “The Taste of Apples” written by Huang Chun-Ming. The different sources of tension present in the book took us into different perspectives of the characters… Continue Reading →


Dear Steve Cohen, Greetings, we are two high school students from Tennessee, Curie, and Romele, who have gone through a mass shooting in Tennessee. It was traumatizing and absolutely heartbreaking. People running in all directions, screamings and shriekings, bullets shooting… Continue Reading →

Local Schools in Taiwan Should Put More Emphasis on the Human Rights of Students to Promote a Learning Environment of Equality, Liberty, and Rights.

Speech Summative In this speech unit, we investigated the different aspects that make up a good speech. We did a deep dive on the speaking techniques such as ethos, pathos, and logos that compose a persuasive argument, as well as… Continue Reading →

☀️ 貳零壹捌年 拾月壹日 晨 🍃

從前的我不喜歡夏天,太熱,皮膚總變的太黑;從前的我不喜歡冬天,太冷,只想窩在被窩裡睡覺。之後的我,也不喜歡春天,因為只會提醒我夏天的到來;秋天,呃還可以吧,就那樣。漸漸長大之後,發現自己越來越常抱怨。冬天的時候明明很期待夏天太陽的照耀,到夏天了卻恨不得待在室內。夏天明明很期待冬風的吹襲,到冬天了卻只會抱怨手腳破皮。 常常的我們總在當下不懂珍惜,總要等到機會稍縱即逝,才會感嘆當初的無知。 十月了,走在校園裡,在微風徐徐下仍可感受到太陽的炙熱。然而,不同以往的拿起手當遮陽板趕快躲進室內,這次,我用心去體會了髮絲輕輕拂過臉龐的觸感,以及韌草輕輕擺動的樣貌。我想像著幾個禮拜後,籃球季就要開始了,沒時間蹉跎了,沒時間浪費了,更沒時間抱怨了。去年太過魯莽不懂事,在光陰似箭中不知不覺的錯過了太多機會、太多緣分。 想著想著,我的手不自覺地拿起球,膝不自覺得蹲下,腕不自覺得調整好角度,球從掌中滑出—— 今年秋天,我下定決心要變得不同。 「咻」 🏀

Thinking like a Supreme Court Justice!

SHOULD INDIVIDUALS HAVE A PRIVATE RIGHT TO OWN GUNS EVEN WHEN THEY’RE NOT IN THE MILITIA? Yes. Individuals under a reasonable position should have a right to own guns even if they’re not in the militia. Framers’ intention The Second… Continue Reading →

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