The High School Student Council announced its annual Homecoming Dance several weeks before. The theme of the dance is Vogue, where attendees dress up in a fashion-forward outfit mimicking the modish vibe given off by the theme of Vogue. To promote this event, the Stuco team filmed a promotional video together prior to the event paying tribute to the Vogue music video performed by Madonna. It was quite a joyful experience, and I enjoyed the filming process a lot. We practiced for the dance several times before filming, and our moves got more and more synchronized every time we practiced. Dancing is one of those things that really require teamwork. Going entirely on your own pace messes the whole dance up and worsens the visual of the play. Even though we aren’t completely in sync anyway, but this is the best we can do in a span of two weeks. Through this activity, the Stuco team also developed closer bonds with one another. I’m looking forward to Homecoming already!!!
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