With prom nearing, the High School Student Council became busier and busier trying to organize everything together. We distributed jobs to each of the members to ensure that everything can be done before this Friday. The specific tasks I’m assigned for are the nameplates, table tags, and prom slideshow design. Below is the finished template for the nameplates.
Since the prom this year is Gatsby-themed, I chose black and gold as the primary colors for the design to match with the luxurious and extravagant vibes the theme gives off. In addition, I also referenced the logo on the ticket design (“The Roaring 20s”) to ensure coordination between the different paper records. One thing I’m really proud of is the gold glitter on the front page. It complements the back so well and makes the nameplates look so much delicate. Originally, I tried decorating the nameplates with iconic Gatsby elements, but they didn’t turn out too eye-catchy. I also tried decorating the nameplates with gold linear patterns, but it didn’t turn out too well either. It was with my fourth or fifth try when I finally arrived at this design that I’m really satisfied with. One really important lesson I learned from this activity is to never stop trying and be unafraid of experimenting with new things. Throughout the process, I became more open-minded to different designs and also became a better communicator as I had to communicate with the stuco team constantly to update them on my progress. Overall, I’m really satisfied with the current design, and I really hope that the prom tonight would turn out a blast! CLASS OF 2020 YOU WILL BE MISSED <3
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