Trying to keep myself occupied as I progress through my 14 days of self-quarantine (my brother came back from the US that’s why), I decided to make a bingo for ACAMIS exclusively after seeing all the creative bingo posters made by people from other high school sports league. I thought that a lot of people might be sad because of the virus situation going on that led to long-awaited tournaments being canceled, so I wanted to use this opportunity for schools to bond and bring back some nice ACAMIS memories even during this hard time.
I wanted the poster to be something easy and fun, so I didn’t spend a lot of time arranging the aesthetics of the poster. After adjusting the canvas into the size of a phone screen, the first thing I did was to create a gradient as the background color and draw a rectangle for the bingo boxes.
I decided to use white and light blue as the background color because they give off a playful and easy-going feeling that I believe matches the purpose of this poster really well. The hardest thing was to think of the content of each bingo box. I wanted to make it something where athletes of all different sports can relate to, so I had to think in a wider context and not only in terms of basketball. Aside from the more typical things only on the court such as winning and getting injured, I focused more on the things that make an ACAMIS trip truly special, such as team relationships, coach-player relationships, and the crazy things you did just because it’s ACAMIS – the things that happen off-court.
After filling in all the boxes, I added text for the person to fill in their school, the division they’re playing in, and space to tag their teammates to make the poster feel more personal. I also made sure to credit myself at a small corner towards the bottom to make myself look cool (jk!). Nevertheless, here’s the finished look of THE ULTIMATE acamis bingo poster!
This activity, to say the very least, challenged me to become a thinker. It challenged me to think broader in terms of myself and think in multiple perspectives to produce something that seems general but is special at the same time. I hope that anyone who actually tried it out has fun doing it. And most importantly, I hope the virus situation can pass sooner and everything can resume back to normal. My prayers go to all the affected ones in the world. We can do this! Let’s fight it off together!
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