So far before Jun 12th, we’re 3/4 done with the paragraphs of explanation of the three BTS’ proudest moment and a brief introduction, as shown below.
Most proudly, we came up with one new cool idea of making an extra army bomb, the light bulb used in concerts. Moreover, over the weekend, we’re done with this model, as shown below.
Some problems we have faced so far is that we have problems figuring out the material we want to use to make our models (both the 3D models and the army bomb). However, after discussion, we have chose to use foam board since it’s easier to cut. Also, we chose to use acrylic to paint it because the color is brighter and harder to fall off.
So far, we are progressing pretty well because we are fully done with one of the models. While Natasha is writing the last paragraph of explanation, other teammates (me, Britney, Enya) could start to work on the sketching of the 3D models.
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