So far before Jun 9, our group (Britney, Enya, Natasha) has decided what we want to work on for this last summative of the semester (and our middle school career :D). We decided to create 3D models of BTS’ three proudest moments that could show how far they’ve came through. So far, we’re done with the researches of the three awards/moments we want to present to the audience, including a brief introduction about BTS, and the challenges they’ve came through, as shown below.
Some problems we have faced is that it’s really hard to decide which three most glorious moment of BTS to present to the audience, because they’ve recieved too many awards. We solved this problem by listing the three most meaningful ones, two of them were the most famous music awards, and another one was their starting point of success that’s very meaningful to them. Another problem we have faced is that we have too much information that could be presented. So instead, we had every teammate to revise it to make it as short but clear as possible.
So far, I think we’re progressing pretty well, because the information and researches are very sufficient, and we believe that with the models that we will later be doing, it could hook the audience’s attention pretty well.
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