WRITTEN BY Liana Giberti, Jasmine Li, Sammi Lo, Romele Rivera

Homecoming 2017. Image by Elise Tsai.
Homecoming was held on 23/9 at the KAS exhibition hall and was a huge success to welcome the students “home” after a long summer break.
Before the homecoming, the KASPER reporters conducted a survey and found that the expectations of the students weren’t particularly noticeable. Many going to the dance had hoped for more food and an exceptional DJ. The ticket price this year cost $350 but you could get it for $300 if you liked the STUCO Facebook page. Some students were disappointed that there weren’t couple tickets anymore, but they still found the ticket price reasonable and bought it because a good time is worth paying for.
Around 100 students attended the dance, but only a few went with their dates. This shows that KAS doesn’t put much emphasis on the culture of dating, and it was probably for this reason that STUCO decided not to include couple tickets in this year’s homecoming.
Student Council provided an adequate amount of chips, candy and drinks. There weren’t a lot but everybody was too busy jumping on the dancefloor to care about the chips, and it ended with some leftovers at the end. As for the music, the DJ for this years homecoming was in the attendees’ opinion, unusual. When asked about the DJ, many students commented on the awkward transitions between each songs, and the unexpected turns from hip hop to slow dance. Yet, despite the awkward transitions, the music was loud and upbeat. Ivy, a freshmen, commented, ”[the dance] was awesome and super fun, but I think we needed time in between for a short break because everyone got tired towards the end”.
If you didn’t go to homecoming and are wondering what it was like, a bunch of students stood in a crowd and jumped while pointing their hands up in the air like they do in music videos, with lots of laughs and lots of singing. Even though the KAS homecoming couldn’t be compared to the ones in the movies, it was a remarkable experience and definitely worth trying out. If you missed it this year, remember to go next year or to the following dances that will be held this year!

“Students stood in a crowd and jumped while pointing their hands up in the air”. Image by Elise Tsai

Scene of the Dance. Image by Elise Tsai.