In math class, we did a “Visual Percents” project. We needed to go to this webiste: CIA World Factbook Website. It is a website with lots of statistical data about different countries of the world. For example, if you would like to see how much access a particular country has to clean water, you can find it on this website. Or perhaps you would like to compare two countries and you can notice their unemployment rates or the poverty rates from those countries. It’s extremely interesting and you can find a lot of information on almost every country in the world.
I chose to research about energy sources. I decided that I would look up Australia and see what percent of Australia’s energy source is from renewable energy. I was actually surprised to find out that only 17% of Australia’s electricity comes from renewable energy. It seems like Australia would have so many opportunities to use solar power because it’s been so hot there and Australia has a big desert; the desert is even getting bigger.
Then, when I made a percent graph of Australia’s energy resources, it looked even smaller. It is clear that most of Australia’s electricity (83%) comes from non-renewable energy such as fossil fuels like oil and coal. We need to get more countries to switch over to using renewable energy because burning fossil fuels increases the number of greenhouse gases in the environment.