In our geometry unit, students learned to get comfortable using the compass by creating Mandala designs. I am very proud of their work. This one was created by Clare:
Category: Math
Unit 3 Resources
The students have started Unit 3 in Everydaymath: Geometry Explorations. Here are some resources that students can find in their Google Drive folders: Grade 5C Shared Things > Math > Unit 3 > Resources
Polygon Song
Unit 3 in math is focused on Geometry. This song is very basic, but it’s a little catchy. If you sing along, you can review the names of different polygons.
Everyday Math Unit 2
Our second unit of study in math is Estimation and Computation. Here are some videos and helpful resources for this unit. Students may also access this information in the Grade 5C Shared Things folder in their Google Drive.
Divisibility Rules
Students will be practicing their Divisibility Rules next week in unit 1 of the Everyday Math Program.
Everyday Math for Parents and Students
I am so happy that KAS has purchased the new math curriculum EVERYDAY MATH. It is an amazing program made especially for a child’s brain plus it has so many resources for teachers to make math interesting, fun, practical and relative to the real world we live in. This is the second year of the […]
Math Video
In math class we made math videos about changing fractions to mixed numbers. It was a difficult task. I thought that Masaki and Julia did a good job. Click on the link to see their video below: Julia and Masaki’s Math Video