During this unit, we read The Crucible written by Arthur Miller. It is a play that talks about the Salem Witch Hunt that happened in 1692 in Massachusetts. Salem was a city formed by Puritans, group of people that migrated to America to escape religious persecution, during the 1600s. They were strong believers and followers of God and practiced the rules projected in the bible, though throughout this play, Miller demonstrates the hypocritical behaviours of human and some characters specifically. Hypocritical in this case, doing the complete opposite. “Hypocritical – saying that you have particular moral beliefs but behaving in a way that shows these are not sincere”
BibleBible in a Church
Photo Credit: bartb_pt via Flickr/Some rights reserved

They were followers of God, they worshiped God. And in the holy book of theirs, it states rules that are set by God. The ten amendments in the Bible includes, “Thou shall not steal; Thou shall not commit adultery; Thou shall not kill”. The rules that are set should never be broken, plus, those who are practicing these laws are those who worship the author of this law. However, in The Crucible these laws are broken, and various examples are shown. Most of the rules are being broken for their own good, some even say, men are born selfish.
Nearing the end of the play, Abigail steals from Parris, she stole money and fled town for her own good. She also committed another illegal act, to have an affair with Proctor. It was nowhere close to a good decision, she has broken the laws that were projected by God, despite showing commitment to believing in God.
Last, “Thou shall not kill”, this is more shrouded as those who have committed the crimes includes criminals(murderers) and those officials from the court that decides to hang those criminals. Do the officials really get the rights to violate the laws just because those criminals did?

Being a hypocrite happens in our everyday lives, it is similar to lying. It doesn’t have to cause harm to others, though it does impact. For example, setting a commitment, yet not committing to the commitment. That is one of the most common, despite the fact that most have goals, not everyone takes action. And that is one of the hardest parts, the grit to stick to one believe in all situations is near impossible. There are circumstances where the laws do not fit, and breaking or adjusting it at the very moment could be practical. However, that isn’t an excuse to commit a crime, it does not mean committing crimes and breaking the law is ever allowed.

HYPOCRITICAL | Meaning In The Cambridge English Dictionary.” Dictionary.cambridge.org. N. p., 2019. Web. 11 Mar. 2019.

Miller, Arthur. The Crucible. New York: Penguin Books, 1976. Print.


2 thoughts on “The Crucible | Hypocrites”

  1. Hi Renzo!
    I really enjoyed your post. I think what you said about men being born selfish is very interesting and I agree with that we often do things for our best interest instead of doing what right. In your post you talked about the judges violating the laws when they sentence other to dead, however do you think that right? Do people deserve a death penalty if they refuses to confess, or should they instead be punished for confessing. Anyways, great post overall and I look forward to your next blog post!!

  2. Hello Renzo! I really liked how you gave a thorough definition of what hypocrite is, then showed examples of it to prove your point. This really helped to understand and follow your point. I really liked how you expressed a lot about your opinion on the definition of hypocrite. I agree with you that hypocrisy is really similar to lying, but I disagree that it doesn’t cause harm to others. What do you think is the difference between hypocrite and liar? Which of the two do you find is more severe or equally severe? It was really interesting your post and I’m looking forward to the next one.

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