Creepy Tainan Trip



This field trip was cool but the most interesting part of the trip to Tainan was the boat trip. I chose this part of our field trip because this was really a big adventure in my life.

I want to say the “ Boat Trip” is scary because there’s a place where it says “Most beautiful in Tainan“ but Eagle and I  both think that it’s the most scary, creepy place.  Let me tell you why:   At the start, there is a plant, and if you TOUCH it, it will KILL you and if you touch it and touch your eyes then you will be blind.  When it was in the middle of that Eagle and I were shouting like babies. We kept saying, “Jonathan please tell us when it’s the end.”   Jonathan kept thinking we are little 3 year old boys because he said,”You guys don’t need to be scared just don’t touch it ok? No Touchy, that’s it.’

Then  it was almost in the end of the scary, creepy plants but the bad thing is Jonathan kept saying, ”No! There is  piece of leaf that is dropping, no it’s on your head now!”   I was shocked, my head was frozen and my body was changed into a stone.  But, when I know it was only a joke, my head totally exploded like a volcano, lava shooting out like lava rain and the stones on my body is burning now, I was about to make Jonathan to let me punch him for a few times! He was saying, “Sorry sorry it’s a joke.”

I  said, ”Ok, next time if you do that to me, I will make you……… I don’t know just stop !!! “

Last, we were going to go on the bus, we were going back to school. On the bus I fell asleep –  it was a nice sleeping time. All of my friends didn’t know that I was sleeping because I had my cap covering my face. HAHA! They got tricked.

That’s my story of the creepy Taina trip, a nice field trip……

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